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Yun He


Yun He, in real life James T.C. Na, was born and educated in the Philippines.  At 17 he published his debut collection of verses Melancholic Score, which in conjunction with subsequent publication of various collections, namely Springtime in Autumn, The Rainbow Snatcher, and The Blue Dust, concurrently enriched the Poet’s creative course in the Sixties.  Exploring techniques ranging from lyricism, to aestheticism, to contemporary, he was impressive with his ever dynamic style.  Circumstances caused him to pause for 15 years, and when he launched out anew, he managed to shake off the older style and depict the poignant aspects of life with a sophisticated set of skill in his then articles.  In the Eighties he put up two more collections of verses, Wild Plant and In the Light of Poetry and Photography.


Shirley Lua

Shirley O. Lua teaches literature at De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines. She is a member of the Philippine Center of International PEN (Poets, Essayists, Novelists). She is also one of the founding members of Alon Literary Collective, a Manila-based poets' group whose first anthology, What the Water Said: Alon Poems (Iloilo City: Libro Agustino, 2004), won the National Book Award for Best Anthology given by the Manila Critics Circle.




浮雕出我忧郁的细纹,你纤纤的十指在四月,东去的贸易风 必带我的热情,没过多的重量 我的泪,不愿换来你施舍的怜悯 疲乏的黎明 我是第一个把曙光纳入诗中的人 多少春日,在我的眼底死去 厌于盲目的栖息,我欲抓一束这片刻的 爱的幻觉 ——空洞且无边


Sculpture out fine veins of melancholy with your long, slender fingers In April, trade winds move east, carry my passion without too much weight My tears won’t trade back pity given to charity The weary dawn I’m the first person to bring the first light of morning into a poem Many spring days die before my eyes Tired of dwelling in blindness, I wish to catch hold of this moment’s illusion of love—hollow, boundless


很抱歉 一装进信封里就全融了 看来只许想想,没可能 寄去,你毕生未见而渴于一见的 祖国皑皑的 白雪  读完信时,太阳 正以熟悉的眼神 读着我 且奇怪,为什么 我竟如此固执地去爱 祖国的严寒?


I regret it completely melts when slipped into an envelope Seems I can only wish, not possibly send what you haven’t seen in all your life, yet one yearns to see a fatherland’s glacial white snow After I read your letter, the sun with a knowing gaze reads me and wonders, why with such stubbornness I love the motherland’s bitter cold?


Dialect of Love

常想写首诗给你 却怕你读不懂 因为,我的思念潦草如 我的笔迹 且时常夹着 一、两个错别字 反正是读不懂的 多了些呓语也无所谓 就把爱的方言 全写进去吧


I often think of writing you a poem Yet fear you will not understand For my thoughts are as careless As my penmanship And often pressed between the words A misspelled character or two Anyway you can’t understand it More ravings make no difference So all dialects of love Will be included


A Different Kind of Love Poem

把心掬出来 压在纸上,盖一个 熟透了的番椒般 深红深红的印 然后,告诉你 这就是 写给你的诗 这样,每回你读了 该有一种 好笑却又笑不出的 凄凉?


Hollow out the heart Press it down on paper, stamp With a seal as deep as red As an overripe pepper After which I tell you That this is The poem I wrote for you Thus, every time you read it You would have found it Funny yet be unable to laugh At its desolation


A Heart for Home

——飞翔岂止于俯视 是云,就化为雨为露 降落、洒开、渗入每寸泥土 小径等待久违的步伐,石屋 把斑驳留与谁看? 鸡啼来晨晖,雀噪压枝 几声犬吠吠出了乡音 当炊烟残酷地旋入暮色 山突然退去,留下夕阳 烘干了望归的眼 就这样站着,望归的人 站成一棵树 欲拥抱什么似的 向天空摊开千手


Why does flight limit itself to looking down Clouds will melt into rain or dew Falling, sprinkling, seeping into every inch of earth The path awaits footsteps not seen for ages, the stone house Leaving mottles for whom to see? The cock’s crowing hails the morning light; sparrows’ chirping weighs the branches down A dog’s barking betrays local accent When kitchen smoke circles twilight Mountains move back, leaving the sun setting Thus the person awaiting Is transfixed, a tree As if in an embrace Spreading out, towards heaven, a thousand hands.

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