  Yidan Han

Stanley Kunitz

Stanley Kunitz (1905-2006) has published many books. Passing Through: The Later Poems, New and Selected (1995) won the National Book Award; The Poems of Stanley Kunitz, 1928-1978 won the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize; The Testing-Tree (1971) and Selected Poems, 1928-1958 won the Pulitzer Prize. Among his many honors, he was chosen the second time as the US Poet Laureate when he was 95.



Sharon Wang


Sharon Wang won the second prize for World Chinese Li Bai Poetry Contest (2002); Her poems, short stories and critical articles, appear regularly in several Chinese magazines and newspapers.

Touch Me


Summer is late, my heart. Words plucked out of the air some forty years ago when I was wild with love and torn almost in two scatter like leaves this night of whistling wind and rain. It is my heart that’s late, it is my song that’s flown. Outdoors all afternoon under a gunmetal sky staking my garden down, I kneeled to the crickets trilling underfoot as if about to burst from their crusty shells; and like a child again marveled to hear so clear and brave a music pour from such a small machine. What makes the engine go? Desire, desire, desire. The longing for the dance stirs in the buried life. One season only,           and it’s done. So let the battered old willow thrash against the windowpanes and the house timbers creak. Darling, do you remember the man you married? Touch me, remind me who I am.


夏已迟,我的心。 词语从空气中弹出 四十多年前 当我疯狂地爱着 甚至几乎被撕成两半 散落 如今晚 呼啸风雨中的树叶。 是我的心迟了, 是我的歌曾经飞翔。 户外的整个下午 炮铜色的天空下, 我拆倒花园的木桩, 跪听蟋蟀的合唱 脚下 那些歌鸣 就要 从它们坚硬的外壳中爆裂; 而我象个孩童一样 大为震惊 只因听到这么清晰 而又英勇的音乐迸涌 发自那么小的一个机器。 是什么促使发动机转动? 欲望,欲望,欲望。 对舞蹈的渴望 从被埋葬的生活中升起。 只有一季,           就已经完结。 那么 就让那棵老歪柳 迎风依傍着玻璃窗 就让房子里的旧木板 吱呀作响。 亲爱的,你还记得 你嫁的那个男人吗?触摸我, 让我牢记我是谁。

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