  Yidan Han

Mai Cheng


Mai Cheng, originally WangQiang, born in 1962. Started writing poetry since 1982. He has published three books of poetry including The Collected Poems of Maicheng, CiXuanFu and one Japanese version collection of poems. He lives in Dalian, China.


Denis Mair

Poet and translator. He is a co-translator of Frontier Taiwan(Columbia). His book of poems Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Press in 2003. He has lectured on the I CHING at the Temple School of Poetry (Walla Walla).

诗人和中英文翻译。 曾翻译了很多中国现代诗人的作品介绍给美国的诗坛,曾任美国西北部诗刊《诗庙》的编辑。他是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的有关台湾的“前沿”一书的翻译者之一。他还曾在《寺庙》创办的诗人学校里讲课。他的个人诗集《刻在木头里的人》2003年由美国当代山谷出版社出版。


Writing Behind A Toothache

疼,从牙齿的北方 向牙齿的南方疼去 我躺在医学的备用名单上 药,追上了我的疼 疼拉着痛的手 企图从道德的栏杆上翻过去 医生拿着小锤 在牙齿上 敲过来敲过去 他要我把疼递给他 大夫,别碰我的地方口音 它们不过是一种路过 医生回答 疼,其实也是一种路过 大约半个钟头 我由病例里站起来 从镜子的上方,我看见 疼,向另一个地址逃去 此时,电话铃声响起 西安的友人向我要一个比喻的结果 我沉默不语 担心疼会从电话里传过去

Pain, from the north side of my teeth Aching all the way to dental south As I lie on the waiting list of medicine Until a pill catches up to the pain Pain and agony holding hands, in a pact To jump over the railing of right and wrong The dentist with a mallet in hand Aiming at my tooth Taps at various angles Wants me to fork over the pain Doctor, don’t crack my provincial accents They are only passing by here But the doctor replies Pain is another kind of passing by Half and hour goes by I stand up from my record chart And in the airspace over a mirror Watch pain abscond to a new address At this point the telephone rings A friend in Xian wants the result of the metaphor I do not say a word But the pain in my heart Can be felt through the telephone line


A Year'S Worth Of Borrowing

一月份 你跟我借 磁带里的一首苏联歌曲 你说最好把列宁的言谈举止也借给你 二月份 你跟我借 刚刚收到的一笔稿费 你说最好把我的写作也借给你 三月份 你跟我借 早上送来的那份报纸 你说能否把布什和萨达姆 打架的姿势也借给你 四月份 你跟我借 妻子的那件披肩 你说能否把爱情也借给你 五月份 你跟我借 余秋雨的《文化苦旅》 你说能否把他的旅程也借给你 六月份 你跟我借 经常穿用的那双布鞋 你说能否把道路也借给你 七月份 你跟我借 存放在冰箱里的那瓶酒 你说能否把醉一块儿借给你 八月份 你跟我借 爷爷留下的那块老怀表 你说最好把老时光也一起借给你 九月份 你跟我借 家里的那部电话 你说能否把电话里的另一端也借给你 十月份 你跟我借 故乡派人送来的秋天水果 你说能否把故乡也借给你 十一月份 你跟我借 家里惟一的那把木椅 你说最好连疲劳一起借给你 十二月份 年终岁尾 家里被你借得空空荡荡 除了我 还有什么可以借给你

January You want to borrow A song on tape from the Soviet Union And say I should lend you Lenin’s gestures and way of speaking too February You want to borrow The royalty payment I just received And say I should lend you my writing while I’m at it March You want to borrow the morning paper at my door And say how about lending you The fighting postures of Bush and Hussein too April You want to borrow The shawl my wife wears And say how about lending you love while I’m at it In the month of May You want to borrow The Bitter Journey of Culture by Yu Qiuyu And say how about lending me his itinerary too June You want to borrow The pair of cloth shoes I often wear And say how about lending you the road as well July You want to borrow The bottle of booze I keep in the ‘fridge And say how about lending you my drunkenness August You want to borrow The railroad watch my grandfather left me And say how about lending you the good old days too September You want to borrow The telephone in my house And how about lending you the other end of the phone line too October You want to borrow The basket of fruit someone sent from my hometown You say how about lending you my hometown too November You want to borrow The only wooden chair in my home You say I might as well lend you my fatigue as well December At the tail end of the year My home is down to the bare walls Aside from me what is there That I can still lend to you

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