  Yidan Han

Yidan Han

绿音,原名韩怡丹。生于中国福建。国际笔会美国中心会员,曾任记者、编辑数年。著有诗集《临风而立》(1993)、《绿音诗选》(2004,中英双语诗集),参与编著中国第一部《辞章学辞典》(2000)以及四本中国古诗文评点译析导读书籍。2004年12月在美创办“诗天空” poetrysky.com——全球首家中英诗歌双语网站,任《诗天空》双语季刊主编。她的上百首中文诗作散见于《诗刊》、《星星诗刊》、《创世纪》等海内外报刊及诗选中,英文诗发表于美国《普罗维登斯报》、《科罗拉多评论》等。其诗作曾在中美获多项诗创作奖。自2002年她移居美国罗得岛州普罗维登斯。

Yidan Han is the author of two books of poetry Standing against the Wind (1993) and Selected Poems of Green Voice (2004, bilingual). She is a coauthor of the first Dictionary of Rhetoric (2000) in China and other four academic books in expounding classical Chinese poetry. She grew up in Fujian, China and has been using Green Voice as her pen name to publish her Chinese poems since 1985. Her Chinese and English poems have appeared in many literary journals and anthologies in China, United States, Singapore and the Philippines, including The Providence Journal, Colorado Review, Shi Kan, The Epoch Poetry Quarterly, and she has received a number of poetry awards in China and the US. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of poetrysky.com and the bilingual poetry quarterly Poetry Sky. She is a member of International Pen—American Center (Pen.org) and lives in Providence, Rhode Island.


Yidan Han


Midnight Flying

夜里,我取出夹在字典里的两片枫叶 把她它们粘贴在我的双臂上 然后我打开窗,飞出 月光给我的翅膀镀上了一层银色 在清凉的空气里 我穿越时间 穿越所有的国界 自由是这样一种感觉 伸出手就能碰触到云 张开翅膀就能呼吸月光 一分钟我就穿越了太平洋 中国, 我看到了你的 土地,河流,高山,大海 星星是我睫上的露珠 它们轻轻地歌唱 如风轻拂树叶 我看到叶子从树上旋转着落下 我双臂上的金黄枫叶也被吹落 我随之降落 我的床上长满青草 柔软,清新 我再次睡着 睡梦中我又开始了 另一次飞行


Getting up at midnight, I take two maple leaves out of my dictionary, sticking them on my arms, and open my window to fly out. Moonlight plates my wings with silver. In the cool air, I fly through time and all territories. Freedom is, stretching out your arms you can touch clouds Stretching out your wings, you can breathe moonlight. In one minute I go across the Pacific. China, I see your lands, rivers, mountains and seas. Stars, dewdrops on my eyelash sing gently like the wind brushes leaves. I see leaves whirling down around trees and golden maple leaves on my arms blowing away. I slow down, landing on my bed on which soft grass is growing. In the freshness I fall into sleep again and begin a new flight.


Sinking Beach

月光溅湿潮声 风很寂寞 一浪又一浪的夜 拍打永不消失的岸 旋律的脚印 渐渐布满心之沙漠 凄美而零乱 海在抽搐着 萤火点燃记忆 很咸很咸的目光 被风吹成 蓝蓝的海水 渔火在黑夜的面纱上 留下虚假的吻痕 迷迷离离 忽然雨声淅沥 却是落在去年的海面上 今日这里没有海 只有渐渐陷落的沙滩


Tides make the moonlight wet. The wind wanders. The night flows like tides,            striking the seashore. Footprints scatter over the beach            in a mess. The sea is twitching. Fireflies kindle the memory. The sight turns to the sea,            the deepness of azure blue. Lights on fishing boats            leave shadows                       on the veil of the night. Suddenly the rain falls down,            but it falls on the sea of last year. Today there is no sea here.            There is only the sandy beach,                       sinking gradually.

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