  Yidan Han

Li Li

1961年1月生于上海。1979年考上北京外国语学院瑞典语系。1988年秋定居瑞典。1988至1992年在斯德哥尔摩大学读瑞典现代文学。瑞典文诗集: 《水中的目光》(1989),《时间的重量》(1990),《逃》(1994),《归》(1995)《栖居地是你》(1999).他还翻译了大量的北欧诗歌,其中包括2004年获“新诗界北斗星奖”的瑞典诗人特朗斯特罗姆的诗全集。现居斯德哥尔摩。

Born in 1961 in Shanghai. He holds degrees from Beijing Foreign Languages Institute, Swedish Department. Began residence in Sweden in 1988. Studied modern Swedish Literature at University of Stockholm from 1988 to 1992. His poetry collections in Swedish include: The Gaze within Water (1989); Weight of Time (1990); On the Run (1994); Return (1995); You Are the Hermitage (1999). He has translated Scandinavian poetry, including the works of Tomas Transtromer. He lives in Stockholm.


Denis Mair

Poet and translator. He is a co-translator of Frontier Taiwan(Columbia). His book of poems Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Press in 2003. He has lectured on the I CHING at the Temple School of Poetry (Walla Walla).

诗人和中英文翻译。 曾翻译了很多中国现代诗人的作品介绍给美国的诗坛,曾任美国西北部诗刊《诗庙》的编辑。他是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的有关台湾的“前沿”一书的翻译者之一。他还曾在《寺庙》创办的诗人学校里讲课。他的个人诗集《刻在木头里的人》2003年由美国当代山谷出版社出版。


Bird of Passage

飞。飞过沙漠,飞过冰川,飞过栅栏里的牲口…… 落日把它们烧成枯瘦的鬼魂 它们在天上写着无人看懂的诗行 钢琴无法奏出它们翅膀的旋律 它们为翅膀而飞翔!它们穿过暴风雪 返回绿芽舞动婴儿手指的南方 一条千里长的线 等待最完美的点——子弹——从地面上升起

Flying over glacier and desert, flying over livestock in their corral Sunset ignites them into gaunt ghosts They write lines of poetry no one understands in the sky Pianos cannot perform the melody of their wings They fly just because they have wings They pass through blizzards Return to the south, where saplings wave infant hands A thousand-mile line awaits the perfect point—a bullet—to rise up from the ground


一 不是柳絮,而是安魂曲 它弹奏冬天。让白色 穿梭医院走廊,把“救命!” 堵在一张干燥的嘴中 二 雪人——纯洁的化身! 我把蜡烛插入它胸膛 一个伤口在深处绽开:激情 还会凝成冰河的漂木! 三 这雪必须铲除。脚在打滑 车祸。最好远离此地 或相反:反抗。铲子下 耳语轰鸣:“用更多的恨!” 四 我穿行大街,暴风雪 教我怎么样生活:低头,沉默 当哈奇从阴沟里冒起 宇宙用更大的静卡住我喉管

1 It is not willow floss, it is a requiem Performing the winter. It sends whiteness pacing Along hospital hallways, stops the cry "Help" From escaping a desiccated mouth 2 Snowman. Personifier of purity I stick a candle in its chest A wound opens deep inside—passion Will solidify like driftwood in a glacier! 3 This snow must be shoveled. Feet slide Car crashes happen. Best to leave this place Or do the opposite: resist. Under the shovel A whisper rings in my ears: "Put more hate into it." 4 I walk down the street. A blizzard Gives a lesson to live by: be silent, keep my head down While steam puffs up from a sewer pipe The heavens lock my throat with greater stillness



比黎明醒得早,我,一列在雾中 轰鸣的火车。变形的脸 晃晃,用街灯和夜作爱的激情 一道充血的目光打开空荡的车站 鸟声用死囚的母语在窗外涂写 “我要回家!”的哭喊 在钟盘雪地里爬行。那里 记忆之狼正噬咬着一个迷途的孩子

Awake before dawn—yes I, a train rumbles In the mist. Smeared faces slide past me By street lights and last night's lovemaking My blood-suffused gaze fathoms the empty station Birdcalls in the native tongue of condemned prisoners Scrawl their sounds at the window: "I want to go home!" On the clock's snowy face, wolf of memory crawling Gnaws on the flesh of a child who lost his way

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