  Yidan Han

Mai Cheng


Mai Cheng, originally WangQiang, born in 1962. Started writing poetry since 1982. He has published three books of poetry including The Collected Poems of Maicheng, CiXuanFu and one Japanese version collection of poems. He lives in Dalian, China.


Denis Mair

Poet and translator. He is a co-translator of Frontier Taiwan(Columbia). His book of poems Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Press in 2003. He has lectured on the I CHING at the Temple School of Poetry (Walla Walla).

诗人和中英文翻译。 曾翻译了很多中国现代诗人的作品介绍给美国的诗坛,曾任美国西北部诗刊《诗庙》的编辑。他是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的有关台湾的“前沿”一书的翻译者之一。他还曾在《寺庙》创办的诗人学校里讲课。他的个人诗集《刻在木头里的人》2003年由美国当代山谷出版社出版。


Paper-Softened Beams From A Paper Lantern

姥姥跟我说 她打小的时候 仅用一个纸叠的灯笼 守岁 姥姥拎着它 东家走走,西家看看 凭这盏纸灯笼 想把这么大的节日照在窗户上 或者照亮童年里的疑问 绝对是难上加难的事情 讲着讲着 我忽然看见一个人影 比地主还地主 拎着大红灯笼 从京戏的地方口音里 迈步而出 一个黑暗向另一个黑暗奔去 灯笼里现有的光芒 无法照射出一个角色的全部困境 由此,我发现 贫困,不反光 尽管,姥姥叠的那盏灯笼 早已不在 但,纸灯笼里的纸光芒 却还照着姥姥的脸

Grandmother told me When she was little They had one folded-paper lantern To bring in the New Year She dangled it her fingers Gallivanted through the neighborhood That lantern's glow at the window Would light up the whole holiday Or shed light on her childhood questions But that was too tall an order While she was speaking I saw a human shape More of a landlord than any landlord A large red lantern dangling from his hand Taking stage steps out of the accent Of an old time opera One dark patch ran toward another All the beams a lantern could muster Could not pierce the shadows Of a character's predicament At that point I discovered That poverty does not catch the light Though it is long-gone That folded paper lantern Its paper-softened beams Still glow on grandmother's face

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