  Yidan Han

Hsia Ching

夏菁,是盛志澄的笔名,1925年生于浙江嘉兴.美国科罗拉多州立大学硕士,曾任联合国专家及科罗拉多教授等职。夏菁是台湾 “蓝星诗社” 创始人之一。自1954年 出版第一本诗集起,已有九种,包括近年出版的《雪岭》(2003)和《夏菁短诗选》(2004)等。

Hsia Ching, the pen name of Ted (Tse) C. Sheng, was born in Zhejiang, China in 1925. He received his M.S. degree from the Colorado State University (1966) and has worked with the United Nations and taught at the Colorado State University. Hsia Ching was one of the founders of the Blue Stars Poetry Society in Taiwan in early Fifties. Since his first collection of poems published in 1954, he has produced a total of nine volumes of poems including the recent two: A Snow-capped Peak (2003) and Selected Poems of Hsia Ching (2004).


Hsia Ching


Picking Plumes at Backyard

枝条已经压到了地面, 一种成熟的长发披肩; 累累地透出红润的光彩, 走过的都想伸手一采。 她说: “这树长在我们的篱内, 果子却也向邻居低垂。” 我暗想:大自然岂会分界限? 彼此分享是睦邻的起点。 她带上手套,伸手要采。 我说: “手套将造成一层隔膜, 会失却人和大自然的接触; 那种柔柔、温温地一握, 一季的阳光和雨水才将之充足。” 采了又采,禁不住地贪婪。 将高高的枝条用力地拉下来, 拉到一只只弓的张开。 当她说: “也要给知更鸟留一点。” 刹那间, 树枝就反弹上青天。 一只黄蜂在头顶迴绕, 像是给我们一种警告。 我答称: “这样也好,不用梯子。 留一些给松鼠、留一些给孩子── 不要任意将他们的世界毁掉! 也让这棵树渐渐地伸直了腰 来抵抗、雪的另一次压倒。”


Many branches fell toward the ground, A kind of mature and long hair we found: Plentiful red and ripen fruits shinning, Anyone passing by would tempt a picking. She murmured: "The tree grows at our site, Yet many fruits hang over to neighbor's side." I mused: Does Nature observe boundary of land? Sharing is the base of making friends. She put on gloves and started picking. I said: "Gloves make a layer of separation Of human and Nature's intimate touching; A grasp of soft and warm feeling, Was filled by sun and rain in a season." Picking and picking, we couldn't stop our greed. Pulled forcefully higher branches to the ground, And made them like bows fully opened. When she suggested: "Leave some for robins." Suddenly, each branch re-acted skyward fling. A wasp circling and circling around my head, As if she was making certain warning sign ahead. I responded: "It is alright, we don't need a ladder. Do leave some for squirrels and children later── We should not destroy their world by our free will! Also let the tree gradually straight up and go slow To confront another bent by early snow."


A Misunderstanding

我去花园中照料玫瑰, 一只黄蜂凶猛地向我冲来。 好像非常愤怒,他向我示威, 这是他的领域,岂容侵犯? 我没有存心去冒犯, 他那块丁点儿的天地。 而且,这是我亲手所栽。 他岂能领会我的心意? 这样的误会,常充斥於天地之间, 不去惹他,盼他今后会容忍一点。


I went to the garden to take care of my roses, A yellow-jacket rushed forcefully in my way. Seeming very angry, he showed his forces, And declared territory: Nobody should invade. Invasion has never been my intention, Nor for this piece of tiny land. Besides, it is my own cultivation. My good intention did he understand? This kind of misunderstanding is universally common, Left alone, I hope him more tolerant from now on.

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