  Yidan Han

Tan Hua


Tan Hua, autonym Xia Donghai , born in 1962. He has published a number of poems since. He lives in Xiapu County of Fijian, China.


Yu Song Sheng


Yu Songsheng , born in 1983. He graduated from Fuzhou Unversity.


Winter Comes To River Yangjiaxi

冬至的风携一柄刀子 划过这道枫林 哗啦啦,目光极处 满眼都是血色的光芒 云起,漫天离梦飘零 枝枝干干,已经写满了 一个季节的思念 那么,我们怎还忍心阅读 落叶笑过的血迹泪痕 那座古老的桥 我走向你内心最近的路 一次泛滥的相思 便被拦腰冲垮 山还是山,水还是水 若能驻足,就结庐溪边 濯洗一遍锈蚀的往事 沉钩水底,或能钓起 一句前世丢失的诺言 而惊起的鸥鹭 一次振翅,就把 所有的悬念抖落 我已经置身岸上 再也无需回头


The wind of the winter holds a knife Rowing the maple's woods Splash, to the farthest of my eyesight are Full of lights in blood-red Cloud rising, the whole sky covered with the dream of departure Branches and trunk stems, have already been wrote fully A whole season's yearn So, how can we bear to read--- The bloody and teary trace of falling leaves That old bridge is the closest road to your heart An overflowing longing Is burst easily A mountain is still a mountain, a water still a water If can stop, make a living riverside With water the rusty past washed Under water the hook may raise A lost promise previously Surprised gulls Flapping wings once only, to make All guesses clear I have already returned on the coast Do not need to be turn head any more


A Day

只是调整了一下坐姿 一天就被过完 被折磨后的诗歌 现在哑口无言 来,靠近点 透明的杯子 我已经看到 被勾兑过的心事 闪烁着暗红色的光芒 空气中的湿度增大 私语显得很有分量 墙壁竖起耳朵 听得汗流浃背 该走了吗 灵感的过道 诗句拥挤 你的笔尖轻轻走过 路灯 突然从睡眠中睁大了眼睛


Just adjusted the sitting posture A day has flied Out of torture, the poem Now rendered is wordless Come, nearer Transparent cup I have already seen The worry that had been diluted Gleaming with dark red lights The dense of humidity in the air enlarge The whisper seems to be very to have the weight Sticking out the ears against walls Hear drench with perspiration Is it time to leave? The porch of Inspiration The poem hustling Your pen nib walks through lightly Street lamp Suddenly opening its big eyes from the sleep

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