  Yidan Han

Lin Zhou


Born in Beijing. She went to countryside for labor work during the Cultural Revolution, and then back to city for school. She moved to Poland in 1992 and 1999 to the Unite States. She resides in Ithaca, New York with her family since 2001. Her poetry and translation were published in a few journals.


Lin Zhou



院里那棵年轻的海棠树 为昨夜的大雪所披盖 这使她更寒冷还是温暖 你竟无法得知 一只北方红鸟 似从天外飞来 在一株枝头停落 轻轻地咕叫和跳跃 小红鸟多么鲜艳 像一点闪烁的火星 照着雪的世界 年轻的海棠树多么荣幸 一个小红精灵在敲击她的身体 你可以听到那些枝叶 颤动在欢愉中

The young crab apple tree alone in the yard Is fully coated by last night's snow Is she colder or warmer You could never tell A Northern Cardinal Suddenly comes from nowhere Lands on a branch of the tree Lightly cooing and hopping in between The little red bird is so bright As a glittering fire stat Against the snowy world What a treat to the apple tree A small red spirit is softly beating her body You could hear those twigs Trembling with delightful joy


February Sky

傍晚 二月最冷的一天 乌云紧锁天空 即使地面新鲜的白雪 也无以照亮凝重的天色 听到遥远的雁鸣 越来越近,一只大雁高高飞过 它是此刻灰暗的空中 只身单飞的行者 可它高亢的叫声 如徒迁的雁阵一样热烈 它飞行的目的 向北或南,我无法告知 但我的确感到了光 由一个勇敢野性的生灵 带来, 又带入暗冷的冬夜

late afternoon the coldest day in February thick clouds blotted out the sky even fresh snow on the ground couldn't lighten the gloomy air Heard the loud honk far away close and close, a wild goose flying by he was an absolutely single traveler right moment on the dark sky but made same vehement sound as a whole migrate voyage can be it flew toward the direction south or north I couldn't tell But I did feel the light brought by the wild soul to the winter night-fall


Walking in the Wind

一扇旧木栅栏门 吱扭着摆动 开启又关合 枯败的橡树叶 在冷空中簌簌作响 唱诉着晚秋 未完的故事 几家门廊 风铃叮咚 轻敲着记忆深处 遥远的土地 古塔,悬挂的钟铃 这是寒冷的周日早晨 漫步于小巷间 你是唯一的听众 聆听 北风奇妙的乐声

An old door of wooden fence Creaks as it self moved Back and forth Withered oak leaves Rustle in clear air Chanting an unfinished story Of the late fall The chinking of wind chimes From porch to porch Lightly knock the heart of memory You think of the remote land Pagodas, and hanging bells It is a severe cold Sunday morning Walking down the short streets You are the sole audience Listening The magical music of north wind

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