  Yidan Han

Xiaoming Liang


Xiaoming Liang, born in 1963 in Shanghai, began writing poetry in 1981. In 1994 he won The People's Literature Poetry Award. He lives in Hangzhou.


Denis Mair

Poet and translator. He is a co-translator of Frontier Taiwan(Columbia). His book of poems Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Press in 2003. He has lectured on the I CHING at the Temple School of Poetry (Walla Walla).

诗人和中英文翻译。 曾翻译了很多中国现代诗人的作品介绍给美国的诗坛,曾任美国西北部诗刊《诗庙》的编辑。他是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的有关台湾的“前沿”一书的翻译者之一。他还曾在《寺庙》创办的诗人学校里讲课。他的个人诗集《刻在木头里的人》2003年由美国当代山谷出版社出版。



诗歌沿着我两条眉毛向后脑发展 诗歌拥抱我每一根头发 在每一块头皮上它撒下谷种 诗歌在我的鼻孔里醒来 醒来就迅速张起蓬帆 顺流而下 诗歌冲破我的嘴唇 可以听到鸟声和太阳 云彩向波浪打招呼的声音 诗歌翻山越岭找到我的手脚 它穿过天空发现我的眼睛 明亮象一块少见的玻璃 甚至照出了他的胡须 它两鬓斑白为了今天 有一张喉咙好安排它露面 诗歌流着泪靠在我肩膀上 诗歌站在我耳朵上歌唱


Poetry unfolds along my eyebrows, back to where I can’t see Poetry owns every hair on my head It plants wheat on every inch of my scalp Poetry wakens in my nostrils Wide awake it raises a sail of jute And heads downstream When poetry charges through my lips You hear birdcalls and sunshine Sounds of clouds greeting waves Poetry crosses rough terrain to find my feet It passes through the sky to discover my eyes Bright and clear as a piece of rare glass Where its whiskers show in tiny reflections Its temples flecked with white for today’s sake Throat here and ready when it shows itself Poetry leans on my shoulder weeping Poetry stands at my ear singing


Each to Each

你和我各人各拿各人的杯子 我们各人各喝各的茶 我们微笑相互 点头很高雅 我们很卫生 各人说各人的事情 各人数各人的手指 各人发表意见 各人带走意见 最后 我们各人各走各的路 在门口我们握手 各人看着各人的眼睛 下楼梯的时候 如果你先走 我向你挥手 说再来 如果我先走 你也挥手 说慢走 然后我们各人 各披各人的雨衣 如果下雨 我们各自逃走


You and I each hold our own cups We each drink our own tea We smile at each other And nod with elegance We are quite hygienic Each person speaks of his own affairs Each person counts on his own fingers Each person expresses an opinion Each person comes away with an opinion And finally They go their own way In the doorway we shake hands Each looking at the other’s eyes At the head of the stairs If you are going first I wave to you Say come again If you are going first You wave at me Say don't hurry And we each pull on our parkas If rain is falling We run off in our own directions


Boing Boing on the Bedsprings of the Sky

1. 拍拍城市的脸,点亮进攻的灯 看历史在墙壁上渐渐枯黄,我每次吃饭 都嚼着悲哀 闲暇把脚掌插在云彩与云彩中间,听 阳光水波耳边唱歌,看鸟翅膀 拍打姑娘翅膀 孤独生长大麦,光荣一撮茅草 今天岁月我曾经说笑,以后流水依然 说笑,夕阳傍晚被风吹掉, 清晨又被风吹成朝阳 2. 我和寂寞各自搬家,手扶一根孤独的甘蔗, 痛苦是一只月亮的手,淡淡从西方掠到东方 眼泪飞洒为南极没有一张我的风光。 愤怒为遐想打不开锁,菊花白白开放 我思想,我脸上的春天也落叶纷纷 跑到我前面的陶罐或者金钟大吕 或者羽扇纶巾或者翩翩拂尘 每天我在车兜上装着它们 我睡觉棉被下盖着它们 如果太平洋对岸有金属脸庞飞跃上天,我 这里左手腕也隐隐作痛 乌鸦城市垃圾嘴巴天空跌跌撞撞我 撩开衣襟让我的音乐 出外逃窜四散飘飞 这一刻, 大门打开我小门也不关,云、雾、雷、电、 风、霜、雨、雪、雹降日、月都从我后背 穿透到胸前 荡荡荡荡我躺在蓝天大床上


Give the city a pat on the cheek, light the lamps of aggression Watch history turn yellow on the wall, with every meal And gnaw at sorrow Leisure plants my footsoles atop clouds and between them, listens To sunlit waves sing at my ear, watches birds flap wings That are wings of young women Solitude grows wheat, honor a tuft of sawgrass In passing years of today I once made merry, in the flow to come I can still make merry Late evening glow is blown away by wind Windy dawn gives way to a bright morning 2. Solitude and I move away to new houses, my weight Leans on a lone stalk of sugarcane. Suffering Is a hand of moonlight, coursing aloof from west to east Gush of teardrops make Antarctica, nowhere are features of me at my height Anger fails to spring the cage of reverie, chrysanthemums pale To the cast of thought, the springtime of my face has leaves whirling down Parade of clay pots before my eyes, or a scale of chimes Or the scarf of a reluctant general, or swirl of dust brushed from his robe I load them in my car trunk every day I sleep with them under my cover Across the Pacific if a metal face soars skyward, Over here my left wrist feels a twinge Garbage-mouth city of crows, reeling in the sky I pull my shirt open, for my music Let it flee elsewhere, drift at its will At this moment My front door is open, my side door not closed Cloud, mist, thunder, lightning, wind and sun and moon All types of precipitation come from behind Pass straight through my chest This way and that on the bedsprings of the sky

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