  Yidan Han

Zhan-qiu Liu


Zhan-qiu Liu was the vice chief-editor of Shi Kan and a vice-president of the Chinese Prose Poetry Society. He has published over twenty collections of poetry, prose poems, essays, literary commentary, and translated works including poetry and novels. His book of poetry Untitled Lyric Poems won the 1985-1986 Chinese New Poetry Award. His work has been translated into over ten languages.


William Marr (Fei Ma)

诗人非马出版有十四本诗集 (除《秋窗 》是英文外,其它都是中文) 以及几本翻译,包括双语诗选《让盛宴开始──我喜爱的英文诗》。他还编选出版了几本台湾及中国现代诗选。他是前任伊利诺州诗人协会的会长,现居芝加哥。

William Marr (Fei Ma) is the author of fourteen books of poetry (all in his native Chinese language except Autumn Window which is in English) and several books of translations, including the bilingual anthology Let the Feast Begin—My Favorite English Poems.  He has also edited and published several anthologies of contemporary Taiwanese and Chinese poetry.  A longtime resident of Chicago, he served from 1993 to 1995 as the president of the Illinois State Poetry Society.


Love of Nature

十二月。冰冻的句号 不为失去而悔恨 苍白灰蒙的天空 乌鸦的翅膀重了 土地仍情思绵绵 渴求雪的疏松 蚯蚓已潜入底层 那是最后一片枯叶 在失恋者的心中 犹如春天的蝴蝶 夜,电车上响着蓝色的火花


December. A frozen period No regret for what's been lost On the pale grey sky A crow's wings are becoming heavy The earth is still covered with long-lasting sentiment craving for the snow to loosen up earthworms have crawled into the bottom layer It is the last lone leaf in a lovelorn heart a butterfly in the spring At night, blue sparks clattering atop a streetcar


Every Encounter is a Predestined Relationship

相识总是某种缘份 无论是同性还是异性 人是如此的渺小 时间地点又那么局限 天知道发生在什么场合 怎么起始又怎么结束 休管它是热烈的撞击 抑或是平淡的分手 即然有过一次相识 也就是有过缘份 在我一片流浪的孤叶 喜欢寻求奇异的相识 然后象淘金者 筛选出真正的相知


Every encounter is a predestined relationship whether it's with the same sex or the opposite sex Human beings are so insignificant both time and place are so restrictive Heaven knows on what occasion it occurs how does it start or how will it end Whether it's a fierce clash or an insipid parting Having known each other is having a relationship by fate I, a roaming lone leaf like to seek a strange encounter Then, like a gold-digger I sift to find real friendship


Apples are Rosy because of Sunlight

苹果因阳光而红晕 女人因男人而美丽 存在的价值在于依存 在于补充而不是相斥 天堂的钟声不是来自天外 伊甸园就是人和自然 夜露默默地滋润花朵 火狐穿过淡青的草原 和谐是宇宙最伟大的发明 阴阳构成最奇妙的平衡 啊,四月,我是你的精灵 愿天空纷纷降落的是微笑和热吻


Apples are rosy because of sunlight Women are beautiful because of men The value of being is from interdependency from complementary rather than contradictory The tolling of Heaven is not from outer space Eden is the garden of Man and Nature Night dews quietly nourish the flowers Fire foxes run through the light-blue grassland Harmony is the greatest invention of the universe Yin and Yang form the most miraculous balance Ah, April, I am your spirit May things falling from the sky are smiles and kisses

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