  Yidan Han

Shixue Peng


Shixue Peng has published poems in dozens of journals and anthologies, including Fragrant Grass, Poetry Forest. He has been a poetry editor for a poetry newspaper and some poetry websites.


Shixue Peng


Bird Shadow

在七月冥想 飘雪的冬日 一些惬意的感觉 擦身而过 如一股凉爽的风 一只孤独的狼 目光慵倦 所有的念头 被蝉识破 编成小曲 无聊地哼着 灰蒙蒙的天空 没有一只鸟影 又全是鸟影


Contemplate in July The snow fluttering in winter Some satisfied feelings Flashed through my mind like a cool wind A lonely wolf The vision is lethargic All thoughts Are seen through by the cicada Forming songs Humming boredly In the dusky sky Not a bird shadow But all of the bird shadows


Travel of the Knight

面对遥远的旅途 我把抽象的城堡 如面包一样啃吃 以阳光的名义 推出一掌 有跌倒的沉重 潜伏墙角 犹如智慧之猫 保持清醒的高度 目光越来越近 可怕的静寂 预示一场殊死的搏斗 路在手上展开 鸟在弦上起落 纷纷远离的骑士 踏冰河而来 挥舞的宝剑 温暖口衔的花朵


Facing the far journey I am gnawing the abstract castle As if eating the bread By the name of sunlight Push a palm Leaving the heaviness of tumbling Ambushing the corner of a wall Just like the cat full of wisdom Maintain the sober altitude The vision is nearer and nearer Dead silence Indicates a life-and-death fight The road spreads in the hand The bird takes off and lands on the string The knights who are going away one by one Tread the glacier The brandishing treasure sword Warms the flowers holding in the mouth


Self-Portrait of a Poet

诗人握剑在手 遥指蓝天 阳光塌方下来 砸在水面漂浮的白骨上 熠 熠 生 辉 诗人站在深山峡谷 以泪洗剑 夕阳的伤口留在剑上 仿佛火红的杜鹃 焚烧黑夜 坐等天明 诗人以唇拭剑 咸咸如鱼制品 诗人割下秋风的头颅 挂在马头上 天空被他的狂笑撕裂 诗人割破手指 画一个句号在碑上 继而打马东去 溅一路风尘


The poet held the sword in the hand Pointing at the blue sky The sunlight collapsed Pounding on the bones which float on the water Splendid The poet stood in the remote mountain and canyon Washing the sword with the tear The rising sun’s wound remained on the sword Like the fiery red cuckoo Burning the dark night down Waiting for the dawn The poet wiped the sword with his lips Salty like fish product The poet cut the autumn wind’s head out Hanging on the horse’s head The sky is rent by his crazy laughing The poet scratched his finger Drawing a period on the tablet Then riding the horse to east Spattered with travel fatigue through the road

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