  Yidan Han

Edgar Dive


Born in 1972, Edgar Dive has studied at the London School of Economics and the Australian National University. He has published works in literary journals including Chien Kun Poetry Quarterly and Poetry Selected. He now lives in Hong Kong.


Edgar Dive


Chase the Sun

不久以前, 我也曾这样对你直视, 那是透过影影绰绰的楼群; 此刻我与你之间, 只隔了一层玻璃 和前方一段不很长的 海岸线。 你又大又圆,脸色橙红, 傍着岸边的山丘, 对着大海哼唱。 这双层巴士的引擎声 真是令人心烦! 我只能默默看着你 金色的声线随波浪流转。 原来竟是很曲折的 海岸线令你的面容 时隐时现, 最终隐入山丘後方, 只留下水天交接处 的一片袅袅余音... 你回家了, 我的一天却开始不久; 当我凭幻想解渴, 借灯光和诗篇驱散 内心的阴影, 你又在为谁歌唱?

Not long ago, I've looked at you in the eyes like this, through shadowy crowds of buildings; now between you and me, there's only a layer of glass and a section of coastline that doesn't look very long. You're big and round, with a flame complexion, and by the hills along the coast humming to the sea. The engine sound of the double-decker really annoys me! I can only silently watch your golden voice flowing on the waves. The coastline turns out to be so winding and indented that your face hides, shows, and finally vanishes behind the hills, leaving only a lingering sound to where the sky and the sea meet... You've gone home, but my day has just started; while I try to quench my thirst with my imagination and dispel by the lamplight and poesy the shadows in my heart, to whom are you again singing?



我不知在这阴冷 的路上走了多久。 很累,胸中隐隐作痛。 偶尔我会停下来做个梦, 梦见温暖的白天。 却有只猎犬将我吠醒, 我不敢看这恶兽的眼, 怕它咬我。 我双脚腾空,步子很大, 尽管我使出了全身的气力, 还是走得很慢。 有位面容模糊的人突然走向我, 对我说了些难听的话, 我把他摔了个半死, 就像电视里的职业摔角手一样。 我何以变得如此力大无穷? 如此 心怀愤恨? 我隐隐觉得 这一切并不是真的。 我又看见了那只恶犬, 为何它总跟着我? 或许我该走 另一条路。 我变成了温室中的仙人掌。 四周的空气死寂。 我突然发现有朵刚开的 花在看着我, 欲言又止。 我却在想这硕大建筑物 外面的风; 那未隔玻璃的阳光 一定更加炽热。 花儿呀,你想不想 知道我的心事? 不知怎样摆脱那只恶犬, 还是等它自己走开? 这昏暗的路不知有多长, 但世上的路总会有个尽头。 我仍得继续, 寻视有朝霞的天际, 慢吞吞地走 犹如在水底一般...

How long I've been walking on this bleak road, I don't know. Exhausted, with faint pains in the chest, I stop to have a dream now and then and dream of warm day. Yet the barks of a hound wake me up; I'm afraid to look at its eyes, lest it may bite me. With both feet in the air, my strides are great; though I exert all my strength, how slow I go! Suddenly a dim face approaches me and say something nasty, I wrestle him almost to death, like the pro wrestlers on TV. How come I become so powerful and bear such an animosity? I vaguely feel that all this are not real. I see that hound again, why does it stalk me? Perhaps I should go another way. I've become a greenhouse cactus. The air is dead still around. I then find a blooming flower looking at me as if it has things to say to me. But I'm thinking about the winds outside this enormous building; the sunlight without the glass in between must be more fervent. O flower, do you want to know my feelings? How can I get rid of the hound or should I just wait for its going away? I don't know how long the dark road is, only roads in the world always have an end. I must continue and look for a horizon in sunglow; I'm slowly marching like walking under the water...


The Next Week

面前的数字不要搞错; 手中的笔随本能摆动。 如蝶的心总飞向未来, 去追寻一个答案, 你承诺过的答案。 睡意在身躯里沉淀, 令我想起我下沉的声音 如何送别你远行的身影。 胸腹间的热病又开始发作, 四面的灯火在浮动; 你的话语隐现其间, 我的希望随之游走 在这寂寥的长夜。 对面的红绿灯不要看错, 疲惫的双腿不要思索。 下星期 带着一阵辛辣掠过我的眼睛, 下星期 我会在漩涡中清除我的迷惑。

The numbers in front of me, don't get them wrong; the pen in the hand moves by instinct. The heart always wants to fly, like a butterfly, to the future, to chase an answer which you have promised to give. Sleepiness that is sinking within my body reminds me of my sinking voice, and how it saw you off, onto a long trip. Another fit of fever arises in my chest, the lights from all quarters are drifting with your words flashing therein; And my hope follows them, winding down this lonely long night. The traffic lights across the street, don't get them wrong; the weary legs, stop thinking! The next week sweeps through my eyes with pungency, next week I'll sweep away in eddies my perplexity.

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