  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Geng Fu


Geng Fu was born in Changde, Hunan. He currently works at a medical school in the U.S.


Yi Yu


Summer Never Comes Back
— To Flowers Faded In A Spring Blackened-Sun

孩子 我想用抚摸挡住你的耳廓 让你不再听到楼板折断的声音 我想用轻吻掩住你的双瞳 让你不再看到断垣残柱下的黑暗 我要轻轻给你擦去鼻尖的尘土 还给你露水中七月莲花的芬芳 我要静静给你盖上一张薄毯 怕仲春的寒风侵扰你戏水的梦 宝贝,你走了 生的夏日不会再来 孩子 那是哪一年的许诺呢 我的记忆已淹没于闹世的纤尘 而你把那个陶罐摇晃了五年 试图用一枚枚硬币 填没川北和八达岭的距离 你说你要披一件飘扬的斗篷 做一回小人书里的巡城大将军 你说你要采一把山脚的野花 祭奠青石上千年不褪的血痕 宝贝,你走了 长城的夏日不会再来 孩子 我欠你一个南国透明的蓝天 和蓝天下反弹着阳光的海滩 那只放在你床头的彩色帆船 白天是一窗碧波翻滚的向往 晚上是一枕轻风荡漾的期盼 你说你要戴一个棕榈的头圈 在潮汐里倾听海欧的鸣唱 你说你要一个椰树下的生日派对 一口气吹走十二年的稚嫩长大成人 宝贝,你走了 海南的夏日不会再来 孩子 今年屋前的溪水格外凉 是因为春的脚步太沉重迟缓 杜鹃的花叶象浸透了鲜血 在绿荫下刺眼地绽放着悲壮 布谷鸟唱完春季的挽歌 已经飞离恸哭的岷山 松鸦在树梢跳跃呼唤着 再也找不到那个采蘑菇的童年 宝贝,你走了 川北的夏日不会再来 孩子 奶奶的背更驼了 她的肩上已经压了七十六年的苦难 谁都不敢看她半个世纪前就已干枯的眼睛 只有磨得发亮的拐杖知道她颤巍巍的坚强 青瓦和房梁砸碎了她的藤篮 屋檐下再不会有她剥玉米的雕塑般的身影 此刻她正坐在瓦砾堆上望着通向小学的土路 固执地等待你的跳跃出现在路的尽头 宝贝,你走了 奶奶的夏日不会再来 孩子 让我帮你把那只铅笔洗净削尖 用缎绸包好放在你的枕边 天堂会有文具会有童玩会有一切 可是妈妈只能读懂人间的语言 别忘了常常给妈妈写来梦信 让风儿带回你的欢笑 请在夜晚的穹幕画上圣殿的水晶灯笼 在蓝色的背景描绘天堂的彩虹桥 和永不崩塌的白鹅绒的城堡 宝贝,你走了 妈妈的夏日不会再来


My dear child Wish I could cover you in my softest caring Let you hear no, the breaking sounds of horror Let you know there is no darkness below It's a night as usual "kisses on nose, on black eyes," so beautiful My dear babe, my soul Wish I could wrap you in morning mist scented with July's lotus Let a soft blanket cover your dream as you play in summer's pool away from the night chill O my babe why leave so suddenly, so... soon summers without sunrays lifeless My babe memories too old To be buried in the noisy world I know, It's your fifth summer, in your little hand a "pig-toy" you ask: "enough? How far can I go?" I know your dreamed "toy" next Acting like in picture books Guarding the city as a general I know you'll pick the flowers from the hills Beside a grave stone, a story told Darling You left us too soon Your Great Wall summer turned into nothing My boy, I know How much I owe you: Blue skies in the south a sunny beach you never knew Under your pillow dreams carried in a colored paper boat green waves high Rough seas outside your window My honey babe I wish I could promise you Seagull's singings upon high waves a birthday party under palm trees My boy water this summer is so cold spring this year comes way too slow Why flowers so red and blooming so fast in deepest sorrow Birdssing They are looking for you - but the mountain moved You left in hurry, no mushroom traces ... My Boy, if you go Grandma will be frozen in her tears She's 76 but never looked so old stands silently trembling in sorrow In her hands the incense stick shines still Her old baskets in the rubbles she works, statue in shadows she sits looking at the road wishes to see you jump out as a bird at end of the road, retuning from school. O, my babe, if you go you take grand-ma's summer with you Oh, darling babe let me do clean your pencils one more time let me sharpen them for you leave them next to your pillow… Up there, you'll have pencils Thought I never could hear your voice on this earth below Oh My boy, before you go sealed your dreams in an envelope paint the stars, leave me a lantern of shinning stars a bridge blue rainbows a white swan in a strong castle Oh, my dearest babe, No summers left for my boy Please, don't go ...

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