  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Yan Li


Poet, painter, fiction writer, born in 1954 in Beijing, China. He is a member of a vanguard artist group "The Stars" founded in 1979 and an underground literary group "Today" in Beijing. As a poet, he is regarded as one of the members of the Misty Poets. He came to US in 1985 and founded quarterly journal Yi-Hang in New York in 1987. His poems have been translated into French, Italian, English, Swedish, Korean and German. He has held many exhibitions and published a number of books. He lives in Shanghai and New York.


Denis Mair

Poet and translator. He is a co-translator of Frontier Taiwan(Columbia). His book of poems Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Press in 2003. He has lectured on the I CHING at the Temple School of Poetry (Walla Walla).

诗人和中英文翻译。 曾翻译了很多中国现代诗人的作品介绍给美国的诗坛,曾任美国西北部诗刊《诗庙》的编辑。他是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的有关台湾的“前沿”一书的翻译者之一。他还曾在《寺庙》创办的诗人学校里讲课。他的个人诗集《刻在木头里的人》2003年由美国当代山谷出版社出版。



假如我被埋在那里 我就必须相信爱情 相信很快有很多双手 从健康的人间伸来希望 我坚信 从这里到外面 或者从外面到这里 唯一的那条路名叫希望 我坚信 人类必会拯救自己 我的同类正在突破 无论什么样的封锁 假如我受伤严重 冥冥之中走向天国 我也会把希望之血 撒满途中 我还将留下 转交后人的希望: 人类必须摸透 具有各种脾气 但没有头脑的地球 提前避开它那 许多种残忍的发作 2008.5.14.汶川地震之后

If I were buried there I would have to believe in love And in many pairs of hands bearing hope Held out by people untouched by harm I firmly believe From here to the outside Or from the outside to in here The only road is called hope I firmly believe Humankind will surely rescue itself Whatever seals people off My kindred are breaking through If my injuries were grave and unseen forces Were to draw me heavenward I would sprinkle hope With my blood along the way I would leave behind hope Hand it over to people after me Humankind must make allowance For the earth—with its foibles of temperament— Which cannot think things through Let us avoid ahead of time The cruel variety of its outbursts May 14, 2008,after Wenchuan earthquake

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