  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Yidan Han


Yidan Han is the author of two books of poetry Standing against the Wind (1993) and Selected Poems of Green Voice (2004, bilingual). She is the editor of The PoetrySky Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Poetry (2005-2006) (PoetrySky Press, 2007) and a coauthor of the first Dictionary of Rhetoric (2000) and other academic books. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of poetrysky.com and the bilingual poetry quarterly Poetry Sky. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island.


Yidan Han


Wenchuan, I Want to Tell You

紧紧相拥 苦难拥抱着苦难 泪水拥抱着泪水 这是怎样的下午 天昏地暗 万木皆枯 这是怎样的夜晚 数万个亡灵 照亮着亿万人 失眠的眼 废墟之下 深埋着 很多很多 没有说出的话 汶川 有很多很多的话 我要对你说 可说出的话 都变成了泪水 没有说出的 都成了 残垣断壁 深嵌在心里 2008.5.27下午


Hold tightly Tribulation embraces tribulation Tears embrace tears What an afternoon of chaos and darkness Millions of trees withered What a night it is when tens of thousands of departed souls light up a billion eyes of insomnia So many words not spoken out are buried deeply under the ruins Wenchuan, There are so many words I want to talk to you But what I have to say becomes tears What I have not spoken have all become ruins embedded in my heart May 27, 2008, after Wenchuan earthquake

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