  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz



Yifei, pen name Haomin Gong, was born in Wuhan , Hubei Province in 1976. He graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University in the 1990s and got Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at University of California, Davis. He lives in Maryland.




Earthquake 5.12

我在床上保持同一个姿势, 一动不动, 让黑夜裹住, 试图去体会地球那边 困在废墟下的灵魂。 我发现我不能…… 震区的距离是鼠标的轻轻一击, 而我始终是另一只眼的奴隶。 死亡,是不断跳动的数字; 爱心,也化为让人信服的数字。 在距2008.08.08的88天, 祈福与诅咒诡谲地同时定格。 它和1234567□9□一起 堆积成秩序的无边残垣, 无温度地有效连接着我们。 必须让思考断裂! 让1到0、0和1的构建滑入未知的地缝。 于是,死神的斗篷缓缓而确然地落下。 而不确然的无助 随心跳加速、加速! 希望被时间的齿轮一格一格地压缩, 绝望的密度不断上升, 窒息。 斗篷上的黑寡妇终于露出了狰狞, 蛛丝般的网格随之绷断, 一根根,发出脆响。 这时,共震缓缓扯开了帷幕……

I kept the same pose in bed, Exactly, Night enshrouding me. I attempted to touch the souls buried Under the ruins on the opposite side of the earth. I found I could not… The earthquakes are only a mouse-click away, But I am always a slave of another eye. Death, is an ever-changing number; Love, has also turned into persuasive numbers. On the 88th day before 2008.08.08, Bliss and curse are intriguingly juxtaposed. Together with 1234567□9□, They pile up borderless ruins of Order, which Effectively connect us in zero temperature. Must let thinking break up! Let the constructs of 1 to 0 and 0 and 0 to1 slip into fathomless rupture. Now, the Mantle of Death falls down, slowly but surely, Whereas unsure helplessness Accelerates with each heartbeat, faster and father! Hope is compressed by the gear of time bit by bit; The density of hopelessness is ever increasing. Breathless. The Black Widow on the Mantle reveals its ferocity at last, while The Web is stretched and broken, Line by line, rattling. Finally, resonating quakes begin to unravel…

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