  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Yu Qiang


Yu Qiang, born in Cixi Zhejiang Province in 1966. He is a member of Chinese Writers Association and vice-chairman of Cixi Writers Association. He has published poetry collections including The Land Shipboard, The Index Finger and the Thumb, and The Bell-like Times. He lives in Cixi, Zhejiang.


Yu Qiang


Schoolbags on the Top of Relics

面对一排排整齐叠放的书包,我的泪流下来了! 在废墟前,五颜六色,像一簇开得触目惊心的花苞。 仿佛刚刚各自与家人告别,配合着顽皮的蹦跳, 被翻过的书页里还夹着童音与小手的热气。 铅笔盒传来轻微的声息,收藏了父母的叮咛,老师有些沙哑的声音。 现在,它们炫目地被放在这里 软绵绵的体积里仿佛还保留着童真的形象与体温,一个人生之初 的梦。 这些书包的拥有者 她们本来会拥有各自灿烂的明天 也许其中有许多的父母也走了 再也没有谁会来探问她们的姓名回忆起她们的面容 它们齐刷刷地被排放在冰冷的地面,完好无缺 面对这些书包,其中的任何的一只 都和我女儿清晨离家时背在肩上的那一只 有着同样的气质和美好 我无法将废墟,将断裂的横梁与无情的水泥板 与她们活泼可爱的脸蛋 联系起来 我无法将一群小鸟穿行在春天与地上一堆撕裂或折断的翅膀 联系起来 我无法不动容, 我无法不流泪, 我无法面对废墟前这些哀伤的花苞 以及她们的缤纷与完整 在放学回家的女儿的叫唤中 我更无法通过女儿的书包去想象 这群曾经一样活泼与幸福的孩子! 2008.5.16


Faced with lines of orderly-piled schoolbags Tears running down my checks On the top of relics Stand the shocking satchels Like impressive buds Kids waving to their parents Accompanied with the naughty and brisky frisking Dog-eared pages were the kids' reading echoes With the warmth of their tiny hands Pencil-boxes mumbling Inside, caged, parents’ reminders teachers’ hoarse urging Now here stand satchels Filled with childhood ambitions Their owners who were supposed to have a splendid future Some need to face their parents' permanent departure No one is coming to ask for their names Recalling their naive smiles They are lying as cold relics, intact Exactly like the one on my daughter's shoulders In the early morning when she left With so much similar goodliness Hardly could I associate the broken beams, With their innocent smiles Barely could I relate the broken wings To the birds flapping in springs Tortured I have No nerves to confront these sad saplings My daughter's coming back from school she calls me back to the reality Yet The bag on her shoulders helps me see the picture Of the kids who used to be as lovely and happy as she is

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