  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Yan Zhou


Yan Zhou was born in Shanxi. She graduated from the Chinese Department of the Northwest University in China. She works as an editor and translator.


Xia Hao


Born in the early 1970s. He once studied at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He lives in Beijing.


Megranate Flowers in Red

一整面玻璃掉了下来 一扇门撞上 一把钥匙断在孔里 地下的生命纷纷爬出来 地上的生命找不到家 惊慌爬过曾经的院子和墙 死撒满大地 从来如此 而我们掩埋 遗忘 在坟墓上建自己的殿堂 人啊,你说爱时是否看着远处 是否心有悲凉? 沿着院墙 一缕花香 玫瑰 竟然在这个世间绽放 一只小鸟 黑白的 飞过此生 此世 不知道名字 这季节 石榴开红花


a whole wall of glass crashes down a door is banged on a key breaks in the key hole lives beneath climb up the ground lives above: their homes cannot be found fear creeps along ruins of doors and courtyards death is spread across the land all the land, as always and as always we bury, forget and build our mansions on others' grave. people, do you look away when you say love? do you taste sorrow and cold? along the fence, a fragrance unexpected in this land. Roses still blossom a little bird, some black and white without leaving a name or trace does fly past this time, this place and now, megranate flowers in red


Cutting Nails

小女儿躺在沙发上 两只脚翘在妈妈腿上 两天的高烧已经退了 昨夜露天一宿,精神有些差 却不妨碍她调皮地把脚动来动去 抓紧脚掌,妈妈说: 乖,别动,小心剪了肉 左脚换了右脚 妈妈伏着身,眼睛有些模糊 电视里新闻在继续 小女儿突然抽动脚说: 我一听到地震就头晕 啊——疼—— 小女儿蹬着妈妈呜呜地哭 剪掉了一小块皮 妈妈抱紧她,亲亲,哄着 眼泪又落下来 有的妈妈没了孩子 有的孩子没了妈妈 抱着自己的孩子 我是所有的妈妈抱着所有的孩子 每一次拥抱都是痛


Little daughter leans on the couch her feet resting on mom's thigh Fever for two days, now over And a tiring out-door night Neither prevents her from being naughty and moving her feet around Hold on, girl, mom says, don't move otherwise you'll get hurt Changing to the right foot Mom lowers a bit, eyes blurred when the TV news goes on Little daughter jerks her feet and claims I feel dizzy whenever I hear earthquake —No! A terrible little scratch! She bursts into cries looking at mom Mom holds her tight with kiss and pats Her check. Again, tears rolling down There are momless children and childless moms as well. With my child safe in my hands I'm the mother of all children embracing each child, Every embrace is suffering.

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