  Yidan Han

Yuan Liang


Yuan Liang was born in Chongqing, China. He moved to Shanghai with his parents while he attended elementary school. He graduated from Fudan University and holds graduate degrees from two American universities. He is a member of PoetrySky Poets Association and his poems appeared in a number of major poetry journals and anthologies in China and the US. He lives in Southern California.


Yuan Liang


Remembering Golden Bough

年轻的夏夜 总在枕上期待一场暴雨 蜿蜒的山路通向森林 闪电惊现神秘掌纹 雷鸣中无数精灵在舞蹈 我们赤裸的上身沾满雨滴 树下传来狄安娜的脚步 白袍,金枝,图腾 学堂晚自习的课桌 笔如飞马,在时间的沙尘 踩响生命的悖论 太阳神和酒神的幻影 隔着桌子在交谈 目光里的春耕 麦种长出人形,犁 颠覆泥土,寻找 相加或相减的意义 野地篝火正旺 山羊,野兔,狼嚎 献祭合唱,击鼓,脚镯鸣响 夜在记忆的纸上泼墨 当年的祭司,念咒画符 丰盈的新谷酿成水酒 天上的神体被撕裂 面包醉了,肉身涌血 成年礼在月圆的句号里 影幢着,浮现 女人的丰胸,男人的宽肩


Young summer night I always wait on pillow for a rainstorm Wandering mountain paths lead to forest Lightning presents mysterious palm prints Fairies dance in thunder Our bare arms spread with raindrops There come the footsteps of Diana White robe, golden bough, totem At night, a pen on a classroom desk Like a flying horse, in the sand of time steps out ring of paradox of life The illusions of Apollo and Dionysus across table are talking about the spring ploughing in vision Wheat seed sprouts into human form, plough overthrows soil, seeking the meaning of addition or subtraction Bonfire in the wild is flourishing Goat, hare, wolf howl Sacrifice chorus, drumming, feet bracelets ringing Night splashes ink on the paper of memory Priests in those years, chant incantations and paint symbols Abundant new crops brew wine The deity body in heaven is torn into pieces Bread is drunk, body blood is flushing In full stop of moon the rite of passage is shadowing and emerging female breasts, and male wide shoulders


The Girl of Summer

夏天的少女 哪儿去采摘你初熟的苹果? 秋天的果园还在沉睡 玫瑰枝头的刺仍在诘问 需要几声牧笛 才能将你从青草的梦中唤醒? 唧唧虫声织出黄昏的田野 杨花的水稻酥麻你的手 微风卷起的凝望中你荡一叶轻舟 你的眼神迷乱了季节的灯盏 你的喃喃自语里 三分之一是初春化雪的流水 三分之一是躁动不安的夏火 另外三分之一 是伏在秋的子宫里种籽的祈祷 你栀子花初开的情思 停在鸟翅所不能触及的地方 冬青树的嫩叶向你的窗口探望 你的笑声,却不在窗内 风吹过桨声之上的石桥 你的脚步踏响夜的心跳 只有一个人看见你 双手捧满月光的浴女 轻轻松开的指间 每一缕月光 都绽放一朵莲花


The girl of summer Where to pick your freshly ripe apples? The orchard of autumn is still asleep The thorn on rose branch still heckles How many pipes are needed to arouse you from the dream of grass? Chirping insects twine the field of twilight The ear of rice numb your hands You swing a boat in the staring of breeze Your eyes bewilder the lamps of the seasons In your whispers one third is early spring water melted from snow one third is restless summer fire another one third is a prayer of seed bending over in womb of autumn The emotion by your freshly blossom of Gardenia stays at the place unreachable to the wings of birds The tender leaves of evergreen tree look over your window however your smile, is not inside Wind blows through the stone bridge above the boat Your footsteps ride on the heartbeat of night Only one has seen you the bathing girl who holds moonlight between whose gently spreading fingers each thread of moonlight blooms a lotus

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