  Yidan Han

Yi Lu


Born in Fu Ding, Fujian Province in 1956. Educated at Fujian Art School, B.A. in stagecraft, 1983. A Stagecraft Designer, poet, member of China Writers Association, China Playwrights Association and China Stagecraft Designers Association. Her works have been included in Selected Poems of China in the Yearbook of 2005 (2006), Selected Poems of China in 2004 (2005), and other collections. She is a recipient of The First Prize of Literary Works of Huang Chang-cheng Award of the Third Public Appraisal (1992), The Best Literary Works of the Seventh Public Appraisal, Fujian Province(1993). Her publications include On the Verge of Youth: Selected Poems (1991), The Voyage: Selected Poems (1997) and See: Selected Poems (2004). She lives in Fuzhou, China.


Ziqing Zhang

Ziqing Zhang is professor of Institute of Foreign Literature, Nanjing University, Nanjing, guest research Fellow of Chinese American Literature Research Center, Beijing University of Foreign Studies, Beijing. He was a visiting scholar as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University from 1982 to 1983 and Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University and The University of California at Berkeley from 1993 to 1994. His works include A History of 20th Century American Poetry (1995, 1997), Selected Poems of T.S.Eliot (1985), Selected American Poems (1993) and Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes (1998). He has co-authored Two Sides of the Globe: Contemporary Chinese and American Literatures and Their Comparison (1993) and On American New Pastoral Poems (2006). He has received many awards including The First Prize of Humanities Research Science Foundation of Nanjing University in 1998.

张子清是南京大学外国文学研究所教授,北京外国语大学华裔美国文学研究中心客座研究员。哈佛-燕京访问学者(1982-83),美国富布莱特访问学者(1993-94)。中国作家协会会员、全国美国文学研究会常务理事、中国比较文学学会会员。代表作:《20世纪美国诗歌史》(1995,1997)。主编 “华裔美国小说丛书”(译林出版社)、“西方人看中国丛书”(南京出版社)。


A Damaged Wall

残墙 因失去其余三面 像一侧巨刃 它没有想到这是它最后的形象 有几根木桩撞击它的腰身 一贯起着保护作用的墙 成为危险 这使它从概念里脱离出来 显得很孤独 它的躯体终于被撞出洞口 从洞眼看见的不是家具 而是云朵 天空开始摇晃 它环视着四周的废墟 知道独立的代价 现在 它失去所有的责任和意义 只为自己站立 现在 哪怕是十分之一秒 也是它的永恒 它体会着绝望的空阔 可它看见弱小的人慌张逃窜 很想弯下身体扶起一个孩子 这一转念使它倒下的姿态缓慢又庄重 仿佛可以分解出无穷的情意 但它很快平覆 人们于是欢呼着跑过


A damaged wall is left Like a blade of huge knife When its other three sides are collapsed It has never regarded itself as a final image Rammed on its waist by wood stakes The wall has changed its role from protective To dangerous to people. It appears rather lonely as it is separated from Our general conception of wall Finally its body got jabbed a hole Through which we see clouds floating Instead of furniture standing there When the sky begins to shake The wall looks all round at the ruins, and Knows what price it has paid for its independence Deprived of its all duties and meanings It tries hard to stand alone, experiencing A kind of desperate spaciousness Even for a tenth of a second Its own eternity How it wishes to bend down To help a tumbled kid up When it sees crowds of people Fleeing in fright Slowly and solemnly it falls down to pieces As if innumerable tender regards it tends to decompose People rush forward to it in jubilation While it falls flat on the ground


A Rape Flower

一株菜花在阴影边缘 它的五个花杯盛着满满的阳光 三只蝴蝶在畅饮 风想把倾斜的花枝扶正 它摇晃的样子很天真 有一只醉了的蝴蝶吊在一片瓣上 使那朵花深深弯下 花朵多么柔弱 娇嫩的花瓣却没有破碎 风和太阳瞬息变化 花儿的敏感令我心疼 还有一串蕾等待开放 像千手佛没张开掌心 只有一根细茎的菜花 把一个很大的春天放在身上


On the edge of its shadow Its five blossom cups are filled up with the sunshine While three butterflies are drinking it to their heart’s content The breeze wishes to set the tilting rape flower upright It looks innocent and artless when it sways Its one of blossoms bends as a drunken butterfly Hangs on one of its petals How delicate it looks! But the petal isn’t broken yet All of a sudden the wind and sun changes I feel sad when I find it has suffered severely A cluster of buds are left to bloom, however Like a palm of Buddha with a thousand hands The tender rape flower carries The Spring on its shoulder


Early Spring

忽然发现整个原野唯一在动的是 四只牛的尾巴 庄重如凝着的风暴 一撩一拨都似叮咛 牛低沉的头仿佛和身后的尾巴无关 牛也仿佛与自己无关 被它啃进的青草是否也和肠胃无关 四条拂天拍地的尾巴间 多了一只翻山越谷的蝴蝶 这蝴蝶也仿佛与自己无关


On a sudden I find all stands still Except the tails of four buffalos Tossing and moving backward and forward In the whole open country They look as solemn as a congealed storm Hanging low, their heads seem to have nothing to do With the flinging tails Nor the grass they have eaten seems to have anything to do With their stomachs Even the buffalos seem to have nothing to do with themselves In the space between their tails A butterfly is flying from the mountain and valley It seems to have nothing to do with itself too


Watching the Setting Sun

好大好红的夕阳 可惜被楼房挡住只露出个边角 我跑到书房的窗口 看到它左边的一半 我跑到厨房的窗口 看到它右边的一半 我在房间里跑来跑去 想那夕阳也是想深情地看我一眼


How big and red the setting sun What a pity! Hidden from view It only appears its small part I see its left half side When I walk to the window of my study While I see its right half side Through the window of my kitchen Thus I walk to and fro in order to see it But it might also wish to see me, I guess, In its deep feelings


The Pregnant Woman Walks in the Field

她的身体太满了 一路泼溅—— 大团的云朵和花群 溪水顺着她粗壮的双腿爬上去 像去补充一座大湖 她一路摇摇晃晃 都有风和阳光扶着 她裙摆的阴影像巨大的黑蝶 要赶走那些生动的小草 她的目光茫茫 抹杀了所有障碍 大山也隆重地移开 她要和一棵桂树并排走 桂树又怎能不答应呢 但她想从这田野 分离出来 就不容易了


Her body is full of water too much That it splashes all along the way— Big lumps of clouds and clusters of flower From a brook the water climbs up along her fat legs To fill up a big lake there With a support from the wind and sun She hobbles along the road The shadow of her skirt moves like a huge black butterfly To drive away all the lively grass Her flashing eyes sweep away all the obstacles Even move the mountain away with a deep boom She'd like to walk with a bay tree How could it decline? But it would not be an easy job for her to do When she wishes to separate from the landscape


Autumn Sun

我的朋友 睡足了 坐在老家的门槛上晒太阳 旁边有一只公鸡在叫 这是我从电话里听来的 我于是就仿佛看见 那春野宁静的样子 我的朋友 声音低沉 说了些不太顺心的事 我想 在那和暖的秋阳里 人的幸福肯定是比不过草木的


My friend is sunbathing At the door of his old house After a sufficient afternoon nap A rooster is crowing nearby, which I hear from my telephone receiver Thus I seem to see at the moment All the peace and quiet in the countryside In a deep low voice He tells me something unsatisfactory Well, man's happiness in the warm Autumn sun Could hardly match that of all the plants It is for sure, I think

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