  Yidan Han

Cao Dong


Cao Dong was born in Wusheng, Guangan, Sichuan Province, in January, 1971. He has published works in various journals including The People's Literature, Chinese Prose, Sichuan Literature. He won the 16th Bingxin Prize for Children's Literature and the 12th Sichuan Daily Prize for Literature.


Edgar Dive

戴玨毕业于伦敦政治经济学院和澳大利亚国立大学。其中英诗作及译诗曾发表于《诗选刊》台湾《创世纪》《乾坤诗刊》、美国《诗天空》、香港《Yuan Yang》等。现居于香港。

Edgar Dive studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and the Australian National University. His poems and translations appeared in a number of literary journals including Poetry Selected, Epoch Poetry Quarterly, Chien Kun Poetry Quarterly, Poetry Sky, Yuan Yang. He lives in Hong Kong.


I Want to Sun Myself on This Land

我的血是青铜的颜色,深沉地 发出金属滚动的声音 它在歌唱啊,嗓子有点嘶哑 像河流,疲倦了,舔着自己的身体入睡 在太阳下面翻晒 我是一片平躺的原野 被河流捆绑,随它纵横奔走 我的锄头站在身旁 爆出翠绿的枝桠 我的庄稼望着我 发出一串粗俗的傻笑 我要喊一声祖母,她睡得比我深 怎样才能摸到她,让我们的小指头 快乐地勾一下 也许,她早已化作泥土,喂了庄稼 淌进我的血管,变成一片青铜似的火光 还有我的祖父,那个赶羊的糟老头子 葬在山坡上,坟很小,像一只羊低头吃草 他只能继续孤独下去了,谁让他喜欢羊呢 我已花完五十年时光翻晒这片土地 现在,像祖先一样 我要把自己翻晒在这片土地上


My blood is the color of bronze, deeply giving out a sound of rolling metals Ah, it is singing, with a hoarse voice Like a river, tired, it licks itself to sleep Exposed to the rays of the sun I'm a weald lying flat I'm bound by a river, which I follow wherever it freely rushes My hoe stands by me with emerald branches sprouting on it My crops are watching me and uttering a string of simper I want to shout out my grandma, she sleeps more soundly than me How should I feel for her, so that we can blithely cross our little fingers together Perhaps, she's turned into soil long before, and been feeding crops then found her way into my veins, and become bronze-like flames And there's my grandpa, that geezer who herded his sheep Buried on the hillside in a small tomb, like a sheep with its head lowered grazing All alone he continues to be, given his fondness for sheep I've spent fifty years sunning this land And now, like my forefathers I want to sun myself on this land


Late Comer

有时候,我怀疑自己不过是 一个迟到者 总在匆匆赶往下一班 已经开出的地铁 我的面部潮湿,一些时间的颜料 枯叶一样脱落 谁也无法控制 我们的速度越来越快 我怀疑生活的时钟,已被 一只看不见的手提前 跌跌撞撞,这样一路狂奔 我不得不扔弃 一些鲜艳的细节,包括 童年、少年和青年 而风雨,总在后面紧紧追逼 摇晃模糊的小舌头


Sometimes, I suspect that I’m nothing but a latecomer Always making a rush for the next subway train that’s already leaving My face is wet, and some pigments of time Falling off it like dry leaves Nobody can control it We are speeding up I suspect that the clock of life has been moved ahead by an invisible hand Stumbling and running wildly like this I have to jettison some colorful details, including childhood, adolescence and early manhood while storms, have always been hounding behind and shaking their vague little tongues


雨来了—— 摇晃无数细长的钢针 大地在痉挛 它已破碎地等了很久 河流的喉咙被肮脏堵塞 奔跑着一群饥饿的石头 那些滚动的疼痛 多像乡村熟悉的面孔 向天空微微敞开吧 这世界的骨节 需要一场疾雨似的针灸


Rain comes -- Shaking numerous long needles The land is twitching It's been waiting in shatters for a long time The throat of the river is clogged with dirt There run a gang of hungry stones How closely do those rolling pains Resemble the familiar country faces Open to the sky slightly! The joints of this world Need an acupuncture therapy similar to the quick rain


The Fifth Day of the Fifth Month

河流在月光下向荒野逃奔 亡者之灵在河面聚拢嘴唇 他们等待着,垂钓者将他们的冷 钓走 五月的中国,一滴雨追赶另一滴雨 一个夜将另一个夜逼下悬崖 总有人在梦中失声尖叫 声音向下,像野草的根须 扎痛坟墓中那些苏醒者 他们说,他们的骨头锋利如剃刀 割断命运的河流,千年不锈 他们说,他们活在自己的命里 头颅发芽,周身开满花朵


The river flees into the wilderness by moonlight The souls of the dead gather up their mouths on waves waiting for anglers to angle away their chill China in the fifth lunar month, one drop of rain chases another one night forces another down the precipices There're always people screaming in their dreams and their downward cries are like the roots of weeds pricking those who wake up in graves They say their bones are as sharp as razors Cutting off the river of fate, not rusting even for one thousand years They say they live in their own lives With skulls sprouting, and flowers blooming all over their bodies

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