  Yidan Han

Dara Wier

Dara Wier's books include the forthcoming, Remnants of Hannah (Wave Books 2006), Reverse Rapture (Verse Press 2005), Hat on a Pond (Verse Press, 2002) and Voyages in English (Carnegie Mellon U. Press, 2001). Awards include the Jerome Shestack Award by the American Poetry Review's Jerome Shestack Prize, a Guggenheim and a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship. Her poems are included in volumes of the Pushcart Prize and Best American Poetry series. She is a member of the poetry faculty and director of the MFA program for poets and writers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

达拉-维尔的诗集包括即将出版的《汉娜的残迹》(浪潮书社, 2006)以及《逆向狂喜》(诗行出版社, 2005) 、《池塘上的帽子》(诗行出版社, 2002) 和 《英语远航》(卡内基梅隆大学出版社, 2001) 。曾获奖项包括《美国诗歌评论》所颁布的歇斯塔克奖、古根海姆奖和美国艺术捐赠基金奖。她的诗被收入《普希卡奖诗集》和《美国最佳诗作》系列。她是美国麻省州立大学诗歌教授,并任诗人作家艺术创作班硕导主任。


Yuan Liang


Yuan Liang was born in Chongqing, China. He moved to Shanghai with his parents while he attended elementary school. He graduated from Fudan University and holds graduate degrees from two American universities. He is a member of PoetrySky Poets Association and his poems appeared in a number of major poetry journals and anthologies in China and the US. He lives in Southern California.

A Hint


Were my eyes closed closed tight. Were my cold hands cold and brightly lit. Were mentioning your secret name on my mind. Were there four more crooked tears in what's torn. Were we on the jasmine cusp of something. Were we in a tin cup on top of a busted rampart. Were we falling from within a calving iceberg. Were we without tips of icebergs. Were we about to say something else? Were we about to cough or lick an envelope? Were we or weren't we there where you found us? Were we sure you were not always where we set you down? Were there two more chances left to change course. Were what has been set in motion unfrozen.


我合上的双眼是否已经紧闭。 我冰冷的双手可曾冷焰燃烧。 我的脑中可曾提及你秘密的名字。 所受的伤害中是否添了四滴欺诈的眼泪。 我们可曾站在某物茉莉花般的尖顶。 我们是否在坍塌墙顶的一只锡杯中呆过。 在断裂的冰山内我们可曾正在下坠。 我们可曾缺乏冰山的尖角。 我们可曾准备说些别的什么? 我们可曾想咳嗽或者舔一只信封? 我们到底在不在被你找到的地方? 我们可曾确信你并不总在我们的安排之处? 是否曾有两个更多的机会留下来改变路线。 原已设定的动中之物是否未被冻住。

A Principle of Triple Convergence


For you to have one more opportunity to find us we Have agreed to shed our shields of impermeability, We do not know what if anything you will find there.


为了你有更多的机会找到我们,我们 已同意将自己密实的护罩置放一旁, 只是不知一旦你洞悉一切,事情将会怎样。

Evolutionary Note


Close enough to thought, Far enough away from our hearts, Good for our eyes to stay where they are.


离思想足够近了, 离我们的心就远了, 而顺其自然的眼光不近也不远。

Your Wanting to Be Close to Me


Your wanting to be close to me is redundant. I'm holding in my hand an earring you once lost. Now it's in your hand. And so the other earring falls.


你靠近我的愿望实属多余。 我正将你遗落的耳环握在手里。 目前它已在你掌上。 但另一只耳环又掉落了。

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