  Yidan Han

Hsia Ching

夏菁,是盛志澄的笔名,浙江嘉兴人.美国科罗拉多州立大学硕士,曾任联合国专家及科罗拉多教授等职。夏菁是台湾 “蓝星诗社” 创始人之一,是《诗天空》双语季刊顾问。自1954年出版第一本诗集起,已有九种,包括近年出版的《雪岭》(2003)和《夏菁短诗选》(2004)等。另出版有散文四种。其诗文,近年来常在美国、台湾、香港中文报纸及期刊发表。夏菁现居科罗拉多州的可临视堡。

Hsia Ching, the pen name of Ted (Tse) C. Sheng, was born in Zhejiang, China in 1925. He received his M.S. degree from the Colorado State University (1966) and has worked with the United Nations and taught at the Colorado State University. Hsia Ching was one of the founders of the Blue Stars Poetry Society in Taiwan in early Fifties. Since his first collection of poems published in 1954, he has produced a total of nine volumes of poems including the recent two: A Snow-capped Peak (2003) and Selected Poems of Hsia Ching (2004).


Hsia Ching


Walking Alone

在四顾茫茫的雪地 一个人踽踽独行 没有风,也无鸟啼 唯有雪的宁静 我闯入一片林里 只听到自己的跫音 车声已远在天际 我有颗不竞的心 回头所能看见 一径鸿爪般的脚印 这些能否留到明天 谁也不能肯定 也没有什么理由 踏上这一条僻径 现在,已快到尽头 无悔,靠一点自信


Walking in a vast, snowy field I was alone and moving slow No wind, not even a crying bird There’s only the quiet snow Then I intruded into a piece of woods Only my footfalls echoed behind Traffic noises were far over the horizon Unstirred, I kept my peace of mind Looking backward all I could see Was a track of footprints left by me Whether they could last for tomorrow Surely no one could foresee Nor was there any good reason, why I should take this secluded course Now, it seems to be coming to an end No remorse, I have some confidence


The Lilac in Full Bloom

紫丁香在园中盛开 一年一度的企盼 那暗香飘走我的构思 撩人的还有她的色彩 一簇簇细致的十字星 紫红色平添浪漫的气氛 仅仅也只有这么几天 色褪了还要等到明年 春天为何要向人挑战 这么短暂,却这么姣好 我不怕自己将垂垂老去 只惋惜看花的日子更少


The lilac in my garden is in full bloom It is my annual and joyful expectation Her aroma is luring away my thoughts And her color radiates enchanting attraction The flower has many clusters of fine crosses The purple hue adds a romantic atmosphere Yet, all of these will last only a day or two After fading, it won’t be back for another year So splendid a season yet it is so short Why should you challenge us, oh, spring I am not afraid of getting older and older Only moan my lesser dates for flower watching

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