  Yidan Han

Louis Simpson

Louis Simpson was born in Jamaica in 1923. He emigrated to the United States at the age of 17。He earned a Ph.D. at Columbia University and taught at Columbia, the University of California at Berkeley, and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Louis Simpson has published over seventeen books of original poetry, including At the End of the Open Road, Poems (1963), for which he won the Pulitzer Prize.



Edgar Dive


Edgar Dive studied at the London School of Economics and the Australian National University. His poems and translations appeared in a few literary journals, including Epoch Poetry Quarterly, Chien Kun Poetry Quarterly and Poetry Selected. He lives in Hong Kong.

The Battle


Helmet and rifle, pack and overcoat Marched through a forest. Somewhere up ahead Guns thudded. Like the circle of a throat The night on every side was turning red. They halted and they dug. They sank like moles Into the clammy earth between the trees. And soon the sentries, standing in their holes, Felt the first snow. Their feet began to freeze. At dawn the first shell landed with a crack. Then shells and bullets swept the icy woods. This lasted many days. The snow was black. The corpses stiffened in their scarlet hoods. Most clearly of that battle I remember The tiredness in eyes, how hands looked thin Around a cigarette, and the bright ember Would pulse with all the life there was within.


头盔和步枪,背包和大衣, 行军穿过森林。大炮砰然 在前方某处作响。四面的夜色 变得通红,就像喉道的圆圈。 他们停下来,他们挖掘。他们 如鼴鼠般陷入树木间湿冷的土壤。 很快那些哨兵,在他们的坑洞里站着, 感觉到了初雪。他们的脚开始冻僵。 破晓第一颗炮弹劈啪落地, 接着枪炮横扫结了冰的树林。 就这样持续了很多天。雪是黑色的。 尸首在它们的深红色兜帽里变硬。 对于那场战斗我记得最清楚的 是眼中的疲倦,握着香烟 显得瘦削的手,还有那明亮的余烬 总带着里面所有的生命力震颤。

The Cradle Trap


A bell and rattle, a smell of roses, a leather Bible, and angry voices... They say, I love you. They shout, You must! The light is telling terrible stories. But night at the window whispers, Never mind. Be true, be true to your own strange kind.


铃铛和拨浪鼓, 玫瑰花的怪味, 一本皮圣经, 和生气的说话声... 他们说,我爱你。 他们嚷嚷,你必须! 光正在讲诉 糟糕的故事。 可窗前的夜 小声说,无所谓。 要忠心,要忠于 你的怪同类。

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