  Yidan Han

Xu Qiang

许强 , 1973年生于四川。诗作散见《诗刊》等全国百多家刊物。有诗作入选《中国星星五十年诗选》等选本。2001年创办民间诗报《打工诗人》。《打工诗人》《中国打工文化报》主编。主编《中国打工诗歌精选》年度选本。创办中国打工文化网。四川省作家协会会员,江苏省作家协会会员,中国诗歌学会会员。

Xu Qiang wad born in 1973 in Sichuan Province. His poems have appeared in many poetry journals. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of Dagong Poets and has edited several books of poetry anthologies.


Jinzhu Yang

Jinzhu Yang was born in 1984 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. She graduated from Foreign Language and Literature Department at Huaiyin Normal College. She works as a professional translator.



Homesickness —— from the Remotest Land

乡愁以每小时一百二十公里的速度,奔跑着 它“咣铛,咣铛……” 一下,一下,击打着坚硬的失眠 铁轨有多雪亮,乡愁便有多深 一群又一群山羊被列车,拉近又拉远 两旁的树叶像退潮的河水走回了泥土 一个,又一个鸟巢, 在天空中,水落石出 像我们的眼睛 被初冬举在高高的枝丫上 一捆柴禾在回家的背上缓慢地移动着 初冬的河流坦露着断奶后干瘪的胸膛 二千公里的故乡扇动着翅膀 一百节愁肠装满故乡清晨的露水 它起伏的呼吸:轻微,细腻 阳光,把二千公里的乡愁 照得暖洋洋的 一滴风干的泪水 被温暖拥抱在怀中 像一朵无言的花 悄然绽放……


Homesickness, running at 120 kilometers per hour Rumbling all the way to the distance Lingering in the air, striking the invincible insomnia How shining the rail is, how deep the homesickness is Flocks of goats are close to train, gradually afar Leaves at both sides get back to earth, as the river after tides ebbing away One nest after another You can see them so clear in the sky, as if stones will appear, when the water ebbs Like our eyes Being hung on the high branches by early winter A bundle of firewood slowly moves at the back on the way home River, in the early winter, exposes her shriveled breast after weaning Hometown, two-thousand kilometers away, flutters her wings Thousands of homesickness is filled with dawn dew of hometown Her heaving breath: slight, exquisite Sunshine dilutes boundless homesickness Felt warm A seasoned drib of teardrop Warmly hugged in the arms As if a wordless flower quietly blooms…

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