  Yidan Han

Yan Li


Poet, painter, fiction writer, born in 1954 in Beijing, China. He is a member of a vanguard artist group "The Stars" founded in 1979 and an underground literary group "Today" in Beijing. As a poet, he is regarded as one of the members of the Misty Poets. He came to US in 1985 and founded quarterly journal Yi-Hang in New York in 1987. His poems have been translated into French, Italian, English, Swedish, Korean and German. He has held many exhibitions and published a number of books. He lives in Shanghai and New York.


Glen Steinman

自1982年在北京大学学习时,斯仲达就开始翻译及创作现代中文诗歌。 他1994年至今在香港经营自己的顾问公司。

Glen Steinman has translated and written contemporary Chinese language poetry since 1982 when he studied at Beijing University. He has done business in China since 1982 and currently resides in Hong Kong.


I Don't Get It

依照现代的绿色观念 甚至每个吃肉的人 都是污染源 听上去人类千百年来 一直在肉的问题上 与自己为敌 可不是吗? 生命都在积极繁衍 鸡被人食用 人被战争食用 谁又是战争呢 鸡想不通 人类更没有想通

According to contemporary green consciousness Each and every person who eats meat is A source of pollution If you think about humankind through the ages When it comes to the question of meat We are our own enemy Isn't that true? Life is actively multiplied Chickens are eaten by people People are eaten by War And just who is War? Chickens don't get it People get it even less


Flip-Top Cans

爱一旦遇到肉体 就被荷尔蒙污染了 但无论收成好坏 都不会破坏夏娃和亚当 DNA里苹果的数据 而树上的苹果 在与时俱进的伊甸园里 直接长成了易拉罐

Once love meets flesh Hormones pollute it Yet whether the results are good or bad They cannot destroy the number of apples In Adam and Eve's DNA And as the Garden of Eden keeps up with the times The apples on the trees Grow directly into flip-top cans

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