  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

James K. Baxtor

James K. Baxtor (1926-1972) was born in Dunedin. He was New Zealand’s best-known poet.



Isle Park

新西兰华人诗人,翻译,音乐人。新西兰首都诗歌电台节目“小鸟散满大地之树”(He Kaihua Ki Uta)的创办人。

Isle Park is a poet, musician and the maker of a poetry radio programme He Kaihua Ki Uta at Wellington Access radio New Zealand.

Haere Ra


Farewell to Hiruharama The green hills and the river fog Cradling the convent and the Maori house The peach tree at my door is broken, sister, it carried too much fruit, it hangs now by a bent strip of bark but better that way than the grey moss cloaking the branch like an old man's beard; we are broken by the Love of the Many And then we are at peace like the fog, like the river, like a roofless house That lets the sun stream in because it cannot help it. Note: 1. Hare ra, aori:Farewell 2. Hiruharama, Marori: Jerusalem /Jerusalem nestles in a valley beside the flowing waters of the Whanganui River.


再见吧,耶路撒冷 绿色山脉还有雾的河流, 修道院和毛利房屋的摇篮 修女,我门前的桃子树已经被压断了, 它承担了太多的果实, 现在它被一条弯曲的树皮悬挂着 就这样吧,总比灰色苔藓依附了枝丫, 像一个老男人的鬍鬚来得好; 我们也被那“太多”的“爱”给压断了 然后我们在平静中 如同雾霭,如同河流,如同一个没有屋顶的房子 情不自禁地让那光束照射了进来。 * 注: 1. Hare ra 毛利语:告别 2. Hiruharama 毛利语:耶路撒冷,一个坐落于 新西兰旺加奴伊河流边的天主教堂。

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