  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Xing Xu


Xing Xu, was born in 1962 in Mianyang, Sichuan. His literary works appeared in numerous literary journals and media in China and abroad, including Beijing Literature, Singtao Daily and many others and he has received a number of literary awards. He lives in Mianyang, Sichuan.


Michael Wang

原名黄文杰。1967年出生于新加坡,1987年毕业于新加坡工艺学院。1995年开始在新加坡《赤道风》等刊物发表作品。从1997年至2009年因一些原因停笔。 2009年至今在随笔南洋网等媒体发表文章。

Born in Singapore in 1967, graduated from Singapore Polytechnic in 1987. He began to publish literary works since 1995. He stopped writing between 1997 and 2009 and began to publish literary works again since 2009.


My Father and the Bird

独坐于黄昏,我看见忧伤在父亲的额头叹息 他打满老茧的手上,落日正一点点滴落和苍老 找不到归巢的鸟儿咽咽地望着他 期待被树枝切割的月光在午夜的琴声里取暖或者歌唱 而村口那眼旺盛了几代人的老井正在奄奄一息 复垦的机器如醉酒的镰刀割去了大山的满头黑发和庄稼人的希望 那一排排倒下的树枝象地震又象余震 砸在父亲的心里很疼很痛 鸟儿在父亲的头上盘旋了几圈然后不忍地飞走了 它长长的悲鸣算是与父亲作最后的道别 虽然眼含残疾,但父亲发誓 一定要找一个医术高明的医生来医治大山的疾病 101能让光头变森林,当然也可以让大山回春 父亲向村口走去,转过一道弯就是山外 朦朦的夜色里留下他星星点点的汗烟和绿色的影子……


Alone at sunset, sadness sighs upon my father’s face On his hard stony palms,the sun drips, aging like a droplet Homeless birds look at him and cry, Waiting for pieces of moonlight trimmed By branches like scissors to dance warmly With the melodies of midnight Once exuberant during the living generations, the old village well feebly coughs Wasted machines like a drunken sickle cut The dark hair of the mountain side and farmer dreams Those falling rows of trees sound like quakes and tremors Crushing the old man’s chest pain upon pain. The bird circles above his head a few times and flies away Its long sad song says its last goodbye to my father His crippled, he swears To find the medicine to cure the sick mountain 101 hair care can revive a bald head, surely the aging mountain Can be revived again. Father slowly walks out of the village, After a curve in the road is another world The hazy evening leaves a shade Of starry mist and green

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