  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Zhiping Zhang


Zhiping Zhang has published several books of poetry. She is a Qinghai poet.


Yang Zongze

杨宗泽(1953 — ) 笔名:瘦路;山东平度人,毕业于山东师范大学

Zongze (1953— ) is a poet and translator. He is a native of Pingdu City, Shandong Province and a member of Chinese
Writers Association. His publications include a book of
poetry My Romantic Season, translations of poetry Selected
Verses by He Jingzhi
, Selected Verses of Jidi Majia and
many others.



蓦然,残忍之响撞入缜密的诗笺 那些陌生而时常感冒的词汇 鲜活,但不顾荣辱。我们议论的国之传统 在尊严拂拭生死的刹那,变得具体 却不能辩认。于是,溅飞的血肉之涅槃 变得熟悉,却再也叫不起孱弱的姓名


Suddenly a cruel sound banged into the meticulous poems Those strange words that catch cold easily Became vivid and heedless of honor or disgrace. The traditions we talked about, At the removal of life by dignity, turns real but not recognizable. Therefore, the nirvana of those heroic souls Becomes familiar, yet those frail names are no longer worth mentioning


Nirvana (II)

危险蛰伏在岁月的中央。某种灿烂隐蕴在祈祷之后 一些缄默的神仙心存感激与警惕,却逃避不掉四分五裂 还有某种思想烘烤着罪恣的光芒,那些接受洗礼 仿佛涅槃的生灵,从最嫩的一株草 到最老的一块石,决无高歌的时机吗 我想传统就是这样。光芒所至 匍匐的依然匍匐,佝偻的依然佝偻 它们却与涅槃无关: 它们都活过 它们都将死过


Danger hides at the center of years. Some kind of splendor hides secretly in a temple or prayer Some gods keep silent, thankful and watchful, but have to be removed An idea is warming itself by evil rays. Just like baptized dying creatures a grass or an ancient rock Didn’t they have even one chance to sing loudly I think this is what tradition means. In radiance Those who crawl will crawl as ever, and those who stoop will stoop as ever They are free of nirvana They used to live And they will die sooner or later

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