  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Sin Tang


Sin Tang was born in Vietnam and now lives in California. He is a Pasadena City College student. His works appear in various literary magazines and journals.


Sin Tang


A Storm Lantern

父亲的车灯渐驶渐远 在转向右的时候不见了 长长的街道 弥留着刚才的一点灯光 突来一阵寒风 轻易便把它吹散 过了很久 父亲的车灯又再出现 渐驶渐近 最后在门前不见了 父亲踏入门口的一刻 我看见他那些已老化的胡子 稀稀疏疏 面容有些消瘦 身上一股烟尘味传来 有些呛鼻 牆上挂着那盏风灯 突然熄灭 有个人迅速掩面而去


My father's car moves further away The lamps disappear as it makes a right turn The lights linger on the long street A cold wind blows in, and Shakes them away easily After a while The lamps appear again This time, they move closer and closer And finally disappear in the front of the door My father walks into the house There I notice His beard, old and tossed His face, emaciated A pungent draft of smoke rising from his body Almost chokes me A storm lantern hangs on the wall And suddenly goes out Someone hiding their face leaves quickly

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