  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Xing Xu


Xing Xu, was born in 1962 in Mianyang, Sichuan. His literary works appeared in numerous literary journals and media in China and abroad, including Beijing Literature, Singtao Daily and many others and he has received a number of literary awards. He lives in Mianyang, Sichuan.


Michael Wang

原名黄文杰。1967年出生于新加坡,1987年毕业于新加坡工艺学院。1995年开始在新加坡《赤道风》等刊物发表作品。从1997年至2009年因一些原因停笔。 2009年至今在随笔南洋网等媒体发表文章。

Born in Singapore in 1967, graduated from Singapore Polytechnic in 1987. He began to publish literary works since 1995. He stopped writing between 1997 and 2009 and began to publish literary works again since 2009.


Flowers Under The Roof

屋檐下,泥土很肥沃 父亲的眼泪很肥沃 父亲的思念随早晨的阳光爬上屋顶 与母亲的遥望一起盛开成美丽的花朵 新起的房屋色彩很鲜艳 鸟儿的歌声里咂酒味道很浓 长满绿荫的大山早已将伤痛深埋 于感恩的泥土之下 父亲的旱烟还是总不离手 每天从援建的工厂上班回来 总忘不了给屋檐下的花朵浇水、施肥 然后痴痴地对着花开的日子微笑 母亲的羌歌比以前唱得更好了 念叨的针脚在鞋垫上 把复耕后的土地、庄稼、牛羊绘成 很有新意的羌绣 然后守望在拐弯的村口 与父亲一起等着我的归来……


Fertile is the soil under the eave Fertile are the droplets of my father's tears Thoughts climbing the roof with the morning sun opening blossoms of beauty under mother's distant gaze The paint of the newly risen building dazzles The smell of sipped wine is in the swallow's song Sadness and pain has long beem buried under the green mountain Just beneath its grateful soil Morning smoke has never left father's hand Returning every day from the factory He never fails to water the flowers, and turn the soil And offer silly smiles to the blossoms Mother's Qiang song sounds ever better Grumbling pokey feet threading into her shoes Painting the tilled fields, crops, and cattle into refreshed Qiang embroidery Then, watching at the bend in the village Patiently waiting for my return

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