  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Hsia Ching

夏菁,是盛志澄的笔名,浙江嘉兴人.美国科罗拉多州立大学硕士,曾任联合国专家及科罗拉多教授等职。夏菁是台湾 “蓝星诗社” 创始人之一,现为美国《诗天空》(Poetry Sky)双语季刊顾问。自1954年出版第一本诗集起,已有十一种,包括近年出版的双语诗集《夏菁短诗选》(2004) , 及去年(2010)出版的《独行集》及《折扇》等。除诗以外,尚出版有散文四种。其诗文,近年来常在美国、台湾等地中文报纸及期刊发表。

Hsia Ching, the pen name of Ted C. Sheng, was born in Zhejiang, China in 1925. He received his M.S. degree from the Colorado State University (1966) and has worked with the United Nations and taught at the Colorado State University. Hsia Ching was one of the founders of the Blue Stars Poetry Society in Taiwan in early Fifties. Presently he is a consultant of Poetrysky. Since his first collection of poems published in 1954, he has produced a total of eleven volumes of poems including the recent two: Walking Alone and A Folding Fan (both 2010), and a English and Chinese anthology Selected Poems of Hsia Ching (2004). He has also published four volumes of essays. Still, he writes for Chinese newspaper and magazines in Taiwan and USA.


C. W. Wang

王季文, 1924 生于江苏昆山。1949年毕业于英国皇家海军学校, 在台湾服役海军二十余年至舰长级退役。1970年後, 在高雄加工出口区任职, 直到1989二次退休。在他众多的翻译作品中, 晚近的有《宋词英译》(台湾皇冠出版社出版) 和《滕王閣序》等。他现居加州。

C. W. Wang was born in Jiangsu in 1924. A 1949 graduate from the British Royal Naval School, he served in the Navy in Taiwan for two decades and retired at the rank of Captain. In 1970 he joined the Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone Administration until his second retirement in 1989. Among his many translation works published, the recent ones include Songs of Sung Dynasty and An Introduction to the Pavilion of Prince of Tang. Wang is now living in California.

Hsia Ching


September in New York

为何九月里,纽约就刮起 雪的风暴? 或是因英雄凯旋,掷下了 纷纷纸片? 一方青天,遮得如此灰黯 只见到一阵、又一阵 落叶碎片 有人自千尺高搂,手携手 飞出双燕,牢牢地厮守 有人还逃在慌乱的路途 一尊尊兵马俑的出土 那蜂拥而上救火的一群 奋扑若飞蛾,坠落如殒星 飞来的横祸,须臾死生 情何以堪,爱恨都深 这些在空中纷乱飞舞的 岂不是惊散的和平之鸽 和无辜的幽灵? 一页又一页的故事 谁去完成? 黝黑的天空,终又亮起 落下的,总会振翅再飞-- 一只秃鹰,将起自灰烬裡 (纽约世贸大楼坍下时,黑烟阵阵,洒落无数纸片,以及 跳楼者。印象至深。此诗写在 9.11事件十天之后。)


How come September in New York already blew A tempest of snow? Or, was it for a hero's triumphal return, A shower of confetti? A corner of blue sky went suddenly dark One could only see waves and waves of Broken leaves, falling down People jumped out from the thousand foot towers Hand-in-hands, banding together, like pairs of swallows Those fleeing away along panicky roads One after another like unearthed terracotta soldiers And those gallant fire fighters rushing up the stairs Like moths flung into fires, flying down like meteorites Calamity from nowhere, life or death in a split second How unbearable it was; how fathomless love and hate Those falling and dancing in the air Were they a bunch of frightened pigeons of peace Innocent souls? Pages and pages of blank stories of life Who could complete them? The darkened sky would soon be brightened up That which had fallen would fly high again -- A Bald Eagle will eventually take off from the ashes (Note: As the World Trade Center in New York collapsed, there were billows of black smoke, showers of paper and jumping people. It was a terrible scene. This poem was written ten days after the 9.11 event. )

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