  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Kay Ryan

Ryan was born in California in 1945. She is the author of several books of poetry, including Flamingo Watching (2006), The Niagara River (2005), and Say Uncle (2000). Her book The Best of It: New and Selected Poems (2010) won the Pulizer Prize for Poetry. She is the recipient of several major awards, including fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ingram Merrill Foundation, and the Guggenheim Foundation.



Emily Luo


Emily Luo graduated from Sichuan International Studies University. Now she is a postgraduate student of foreign school of Southwest University of Finance and Economy. She has been a journalist for a short time.

A Ball Rolls on a Point


The whole ball of who we are presses into the green baize at a single tiny spot. An aural track of crackle betrays our passage through the fibrous jungle. It’s hot and desperate. Insects spring out of it. The pressure is intense, and the sense that we’ve lost proportion. As though bringing too much to bear too locally were our decision.


我们都如同一个圆球, 仅凭着微小的触点, 在泛绿的地面上, 艰难的向前辗转。 错综盘结的丛林里, 一路斩荆披棘, 伴着不绝于耳的, 枝断叶摧的噼里啪啦声, 前行的路径终于显露出来。 酷热难耐的天气, 充斥着绝望, 亦滋养着遍地蝇虫蛆卵。 迎面而来的窒息,让人动弹不得, 唯有铅重般的苦闷,无法逃逸。 正如那丛林里辗转的圆球, 承受着全世界的压力, 却只有那可怜的触点支撑前行。

A Hundred Bolts of Satin


All you have to lose is one connection and the mind uncouples all the way back. It seems to have been a train. There seems to have been a track. The things that you unpack from the abandoned cars cannot sustain life: a crate of tractor axles, for example, a dozen dozen clasp knives, a hundred bolts of satin— perhaps you specialized more than you imagined.


当你回首, 一旦遗漏了某个连接点, 思绪便无法串联,分崩离析。 像一列火车,需环环相扣,齿轮般切合 才能运行无碍。 似乎有迹可循,可又难以成形。 好比你从废弃旧车里卸载下的零部件, 却不足以拼凑出一部运行的车辆。 比如:一柳条箱的拖拉机轴承, 数十把折刀, 还有一百个磨光的螺栓。 但,抛开旧有的串联, 也许我们能更专业的运用这些零件。 你的生活可以比你想象的还要多彩, 走出不一样的人生之路, 留下更精彩的轨迹。

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