  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Xiaofei Yuan


Xiaofei Yuan was born in 1993, a member of Heilongjiang Writers Association. Her works appeared in Poetry Selected, Young Writers and many other journals and anthologies. She is winner of a number of literary competitions.


William Marr (Fei Ma)

诗人非马出版有十四本诗集 (除《秋窗 》是英文外,其它都是中文) 以及几本翻译,包括双语诗选《让盛宴开始──我喜爱的英文诗》。他还编选出版了几本台湾及中国现代诗选。他是前任伊利诺州诗人协会的会长,现居芝加哥。

William Marr (Fei Ma) is the author of fourteen books of poetry (all in his native Chinese language except Autumn Window which is in English) and several books of translations, including the bilingual anthology Let the Feast Begin—My Favorite English Poems.  He has also edited and published several anthologies of contemporary Taiwanese and Chinese poetry.  A longtime resident of Chicago, he served from 1993 to 1995 as the president of the Illinois State Poetry Society.


Little Pomegranate

一种柔软的红 让花期绵长 像水珠 欲飞 欲滴 即使花落 它小巧的果子也会在 叶子的指缝间偷偷膨胀 像女孩的 一个个小幻想 翘翘的小嘴 依然像一朵花开 它圆润 圆润得光滑 简单 它渐渐泛红 红得诱人 饱满 小石榴绽开后 让你看见酸甜甜的颜色 小石榴可以做成裙子 让男孩儿们 拜倒一生


A sort of soft red that lenghtens the flower season like a dew drop ready to fly ready to drip Even after the dropping of its petals the small and exquisite fruit would stealthily bulge between the cracks of the leaves like little fantasies of a girl The little mouth still curled up like a blooming flower round moist smooth simple yet increasingly suffused with blushes alluringly red and plump When the little pomegranate bursts open letting you see her sweet sour color the little pomegranate becomes a skirt that makes boys prostrate before her their entire lives.

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