  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Peter Feng


Peter Feng was born in Chongqing, China, in 1979. He has received a Ph.D degree in literature from Nanjing University and currently teaches English at Jinan University. He has co-translated A Journey through the Chinese Empire, Intimate China, and The Web and the Rock, and co-written a book of poems Cruel Poetry (forthcoming). His study includes poetry, psychoanalysis, and contemporary philosophy.


Peter Feng



一直在离去…… 这城市,八年雨水 夏季的光 站在树下打量行人 太多的台阶 中途而止,鸟 挣脱了枝头 在黑暗中开始的 就在黑暗中结束 心穿过沼泽 赤裸地上岸


Forever leaving... Eight years of rain in the city The light of summer Stands besides the tree, sizing up passers-by Too many stairways Giving up halfway, a bird Breaking free from the branches Let what begins in darkness Also end in darkness My heart has crossed the mire And climbed ashore, naked



你从云端的隐微处来 给大地上的终有一死者 带来什么消息 生死之门由你进入 我们默然行在大雨中 建筑物比天空更黑 走完一段路我们又坐到窗前 窗户一直暗下去 抬头之际额头明亮 你在不远处等待


You come from the concealed places of clouds What news have you brought To us mortals on the earth The gateway of life and death We walk in heavy rain in silence The buildings are darker than the sky After some distance we again sit by the window The panes keep darkening Looking upward one's forehead shines You are waiting not far off


Headed South

欢迎来到热带,这儿的白云 比别处的低些,伸手就可摸到 天堂不过八十八楼,棕榈树 五指张开,永不枯萎的花 离海更近了,海洋性气候 热带风暴都有好听的名字 洛坦,梅花,凯萨娜 它们据说造就了一种热带思维 和身体的造反,连海水都是燥热的 一片燃烧的蓝 夜晚更明亮了,海岸线的灯火 比黎明更早醒来,午后的雨 在阳光里迷失,女人的脚跟随光的转移 再没有了四季,吃莲子的人 乘着夜风在广场上游荡


Welcome to the tropical zone, white clouds here Hang lower than elsewhere, even within hands’ reach Paradise is no higher than eighty-eight floors, spreading fingers Of palm trees, ever-blooming flowers Closer to the sea, maritime climate Typhoons all have beautiful names Nock-ten, Muifa, Ketsana It is said that they have fostered a tropical way of thinking And the revolt of the body, even the seawater is torrid The vast, burning blue Nights are brighter here, the coastal lights Wake earlier than the dawn, afternoon rain Gets lost in sunlight, women’s feet follow changes of light There are no seasons any more, the lotus-eaters Loaf on the plaza with the night wind

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