  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Ma Ke


Originally Xingsan Hu, lawyer. He has published a book of poetry The Ravelry of the Muse. He is a member of PoetrySky Poets Association and a vice-president of Ningbo Corporate Culture Research Society. He lives in Zhejiang Province.


William Wang

笔名宛城卧龙,英文名William Wang, 河南南阳人,英文专业。2008年开始发表翻译作品,已发表诗词翻译作品50多首。

Wang Lei, penname Wan Cheng Wo Long, and William Wang is his English name. Born in Nanyang city of Henan Province in China. He began to publish literary translations since 2008. He has published dozens of poetry translations in journals.

中国魂 或诗神的狂欢之二

The Second Part Of "Revel Of Spirit Of China, Or God Of Poetry"
——A tribute to those poets sticking to holy writing, and keeping the blood of the old earth flowing

我愿走进大地悲悯的泪水 走向无人之境 白银复活 今晚是我与山川最后的狂欢 一杯清酒 死亡的迷醉 与我共饮家园的愁绪 唯有死亡家园留着五月的独白 从此宽恕所有不敬的罪衍 背信的誓词 无情的羞辱 还予你们忠诚与公正 从此我解了负罪的名 不问天 不唱离别的歌 唯我皇皇浩天 澄明的羽翼 风流击水 拂袖而去的 是我的闪电 水中 唯遗汩罗不朽的问候 悲悯的苍茫之水 还我冥冥的诗祭 静穆的大地 河流之上 国风-滴血 注: 国风:中国最古老抒情诗歌总集《诗经》之一部。


I will walk into the pathetic tears of earth Walk to where there is no one; where silver revives. Tonight is my last carnival with the mountains and rivers A cup of wine, a fascination of death, Drink with me in gloom for the homeland. Only the dead homeland speaks the soliloquy of May. Henceforth, forgiving all irreverent guilt, Oaths of perfidy, heartless insults, To return your loyalty and justice. Henceforth, I release blame for any crime. Do not ask heaven, do not sing a parting song. Only my vast heaven, bright wings, Thrashing water and winds, flicker and vanish, My lightning, in water Leaving the immortal greeting of the Miluo stream . Pitiable vast waters Return the dim sacrifice of poetry. Solemn and quiet mother earth, on the river Airs of the States. Dripping blood * The Miluo is a stream where a poet of Chu threw himself into and died. * Airs of the States is one of the sections of The Book of Songs, the oldest lyric anthology in China.

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