  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Philip Levine

Philip Levine has published 16 books of poems, as well as several volumes of translations and two collections of essays. His honors include two National Book Awards, two National Book Critics Circle Awards, the American Book Award, the Ruth Lily Poetry Prize, and the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.



Edgar Dive


Edgar Dive studied at the London School of Economics and the Australian National University. His poems and translations appeared in a few literary journals, including Epoch Poetry Quarterly, Chien Kun Poetry Quarterly and Poetry Selected. He lives in Hong Kong.

In A Vacant House


Someone was calling someone; now they've stopped. Beyond the glass the rose vines quiver as in a light wind, but there is none: I hear nothing. The moments pass, or seem to pass, and the sun, risen above the old birch, steadies for the downward arch. It is noon. Privacy is one thing, but to be alone, to speak and not to be heard, to speak again the same word or another until one can no longer distinguish the presence of silence or what the silence is there for... No one can begin anew naming by turn beast, fowl, and bush with the exact word. Beyond the fence the sparse wood Yields; light enters; nighthawk, owl, and weasel have fled. To know the complete absence of fear, not to fear what is not there becomes the end, the last brute quiver of instinct. One moves, or tries to move, among facts, naming one's self and one's acts as if they were real. Dead leaves cling to the branch, and the root grips to endure, but no cry questions the illusion of sky.


某人在叫某人; 他们现在停止了。玻璃外面 蔷薇藤颤动,就像在 微风中,但是没有风: 我什么也没听到。时刻消逝 或似乎在消逝,而太阳, 已升至老白桦树上方, 稳定下来,准备好下行的拱形路线。 是午时。不受干扰是 一回事,但是独处, 说话而不被人听见, 再一次说同一个词 或另一个,直至 再也无法区分 沉默的存在,或 沉默为什么在那儿… 没人能够重新开始 用精确的词逐一命名 走兽,禽鸟,与灌木。 在篱笆那边,稀疏的树林退让; 光进来了;夜鹰,猫头鹰, 和黄鼠狼已经跑了。了解到 恐惧根本就不存在, 别惧怕那里没有的东西 变成了目的,最终的、非理性的 本能的颤抖。你移动, 或试着移动,在事实之间, 为你的自我与你的行为命名 仿佛它们是真的。枯萎的叶子 挂在树枝上,而根 抓紧了,继续存在,却没有叫声 质疑天空的错觉。

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