  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Changkong Li


Changkong Li, originally Jiaqing Li, born in Mianyang, Sichuan in 1971. He is a member of Chinese Poetry Association, a standing director of ISPM. He has published many works in China and abroad. His publications include The Selected Poems by Changkong Li, Home in Dream, and Articles under the Lamplight.





Bony Water

我在十二月的深夜跟一滴透明的水邂逅 一滴透明的水,悬在屋檐下挂在树臂上 寒风的刀子一把把掷过来 它遂露出尖尖的骨头 像我沧桑的脸,从寒冷到寒冷 从软弱到坚强,挺立在大风雪中央 一丝不挂,像我裸呈的胴体 以山峰屹立的姿势 和利刃持续对峙 一滴透明的水从坚韧到坚贞 从信念到信仰,像我在岁月中苏醒的青春 省略了肉体,只剩下骨头 把生活碰得鼻青脸肿—— 它肯定是一把握在手中的剑 此刻谁的感受被深深刺痛 像我在黑暗中的歌唱 水骨的存在,比用一块铁 铸造梦想的黄金 更有分量!


I meet crystal water drops at a deep night of December Crystal water drops hang under the eaves and upon boughs Chilly wind throws toward it like knife after knife It bares its sharp bone Like my experienced face, from cold to cold From weak to strong, standing in storm center Shirtless, like my naked body In a post as a towering peak Against the sharp knives Drops of crystal water, from strong to faithful From belief to faith, like my waking youth in years Ignore the body, only the bone left Bump against life into black and blue It must be a sword held in the hand Whose feeling is stung now Like some singing in the dark Being a bone of water outweighs The dream gold forged From the iron

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