  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson


秋梦,本名陈友权,又名陈学培,一九四三年出生。曾就读于越南万幸文科大学文学系及英语中心。企业家, 业余从事诗、诗论及翻译等写作。作品除了在本地的文艺版发表外,并发表于海外的《创世纪》等诗刊及大马、澳洲文艺园地。现居越南。

Qiu Meng, originally Tang Vinh Thanh. Born in 1943, attending school in Vietnam. He is an entrepreneur who spends his spare time on writing and translating. His works have appeared on a number of poetry journals in Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia and the United States. He lives in Vietnam.




A White Fox

1 那夜的流萤 在他髮上, 巡迴如篝火 猎户星落向荒原的 背项, 木叶和露水的 悉索, 马蹄敲踼原始 的迴响 那夜浪漫的月色 洒落蛇衣上 他是个穿着蛇衣狩猎的少年 2 一隻白狐,不经意的 将影子投落一支箭身上 然后, 啊, 牠惊觉那是蛇 也是苹果, 牠想 牠想爬出伊甸园的禁牆 3 那女孩 是狐的化身 她是雪 那少年 是蛇的蜕形 他是火 是月蚀 在浪漫的风裡, 吃着夜 也吃着白天 是一枝禁果的蛊惑 一刹焚升的剌激 是火 慢慢的溶解着雪 4 灯亮时 酒都暖过 一隻高脚杯在他掌中 擎起, 幌盪的琉璃 幌盪众多蝴蝶夫人的假面具 那是个化装舞会 一美丽贵妇的一隻素手 在他掌中, 另一隻在他肩上 他在华尔滋和杜松子的 酒精中旋着 舞 5 一张琴, 她弹着 弹着时间的步音 之后 猎户星再升起 自那个盘古的夜 她以一种拜月的跪立 望着月亮逐渐失血 一张琴她抚着 抚着时间的尸衣 之后 无月的夜 几斤风声像丧钟 沉重的垂敲 她关闭的唇 6 犹之箭的逼近 满山的鸟鸣 在络绎的马蹄声中 隐去 一张野史 乃一张白狐皮 他细心拾起 读着 然后停在那页浪漫的 叫做狩猎季的夜 然后 一种男高音泫然升起 自他眸中沸腾 且唱成绝响 马蹄声渐渐 远 去


1 The fireflies in his hair that night Patrolling like torches Orion's toe touches the wasteland The sound of leaves and the dripping of dew The horse's hoof kicks, a primeval echo The romantic moonlight that night Sprinkling on the snake's clothes He was a youth, wearing snake clothes to hunt 2 A white fox, carelessly Throwing her shadow on an arrow She startles, finding the snake Is also an apple, she thinks She thinks she will climb the forbidden wall of Eden 3 The girl She was a fox's incarnation She was snow The youth He was a figure, cast off by a snake He was fire It was a lunar eclipse In the romantic wind, it ate the night And ate the day Being seduced by prohibited fruit A flash of excitement, burning arising It was fire Slowly melting the snow 4 While the lamp was lit The wine warmed A goblet in his hand Raising up, swinging with colored glaze Swinging between many butterfly ladies' false masks It was a masquerade The hand of a beautiful honored lady in his And the other resting upon his shoulder He was whirling In waltz and gin's alcohol Dancing 5 A lute, she was playing Playing the step-sound of time After that Orion rose again From a night of Pan-Kua She knelt and stood to worship moon Watching the moon gradually losing its blood A lute she caressed Caressed the clothes of time's corpse After that A moonless night Strong wind like a death knell Knocking heavily Against her shut lips 6 Like an arrow approaching Bird cries fill the mountain Hiding within the unceasing sound of horses kicking An unofficial history Was a piece of white fox fur He picked up, and read Carefully Then lingered on a page Called the night of the haunting season After that A kind of tenor voice tearfully arose Boiling over in his pupils Making its final song The clip-clop of hoof beats, gradually farther away Note: Pan-Kua, legendary being, said to be evolved from chaos, in dying he gave birth to the universe.

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