  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson



Agui , originally Guiliang Wang, a native of Shandong, now studying at Shandong Financial University. His poetry has published in Poetry China (Hong Kong), New Literature (Hong Kong) and many others.




Puzzle of Autumn

一阵芦苇色的风缓缓拂过 顿觉秋高了许多 站在田野上 我的空旷 触不到麦秆菊的胸膛 鸿雁掠过天际 阳光的热情 正一点点收割 归巢的鸟儿驮着斜阳 振翅一翻 扔在了江上 剥开季节紧裹的绿色外衣 巨人身躯露出丰满的胸肌 铮铮铁骨 傲然屹立 真想 把时光酿制的那壶浊酒一饮而尽 哪怕醉成枝头的一抹秋色 哪怕沉睡不再醒来


A reed-colored wind softly blows by At once I sense Autumn is much taller, standing in the field My hollowness cannot touch the chest of strawflower Geese fly across the sky The enthusiasm of sunshine harvests little by little The bird returns to her nest, carrying on her back the slanting sun Wings flap, and the sun is tossed into the river Stripping off the tightly wrapped green cloak of the season The giant trunk exposes its massive chest A Clanking steel frame proudly stands erect I really like to drink From that pot of murky liquor brewed by time Even if I drink myself into a tree branch smeared with Autumn color And even if I fall into a slumber, never to reawaken

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