  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Donald Hall

Donald Hall was born in 1928 in Connecticut. Since 1975, he has lived in New Hampshire on a family farm. He has published twenty books of poems, and many books of prose, of which the most recent is a memoir, Unpacking the Boxes, which came out on his 80th birthday. White Apples and the Taste of Stone (2006) is his new and selected poems. He is the 14th poet laureate of the United States and received many awards.

唐纳德-霍尔1928年生于康涅迪格州。自1975以来,他在新罕布什尔州一座祖传的农庄中专事写作。他曾出版过20本诗集、数本散文集, 其中最新的回忆录是在他80岁生日时出版的《打开盒子》。《白苹果和石头的味道》(2006)是他的最新诗选。他是第14任美国桂冠诗人, 获得过无数诗奖。


Yuan Liang


Yuan Liang was born in Chongqing, China. He moved to Shanghai with his parents while he attended elementary school. He graduated from Fudan University and holds graduate degrees from two American universities. He is a member of PoetrySky Poets Association and he has published a book of poetry Beneath the Wall of April (2009), Homesick of Time(2010), and The Primitive Corner (2011). He lives in Southern California.

An Old Life


Snow fell in the night. At five-fifteen I woke to a bluish mounded softness where the Honda was. Cat fed and coffee made, I broomed snow off the car and drove to the Kearsarge Mini-Mart before Amy opened to yank my Globe out of the bundle. Back, I set my cup of coffee beside Jane, still half-asleep, murmuring stuporous thanks in the aquamarine morning. Then I sat in my blue chair with blueberry bagels and strong black coffee reading news, the obits, the comics, and the sports. Carrying my cup twenty feet, I sat myself at the desk for this day's lifelong engagement with the one task and desire.


昨夜雪花飘落。 五点一刻我醒于浅蓝 堆起的柔软 本田就在那儿。喂过猫做好咖啡, 我扫除车上的雪 驱车向卡尔萨基的小店 在艾米开门 将我整个儿从捆束中拽出之前。 回来,我弄就一杯咖啡 在简的身旁,她依旧半睡半醒, 喃语出昏然的 感谢,在这蓝晶晶的早晨。 然后我坐在自己的蓝椅 吃着蓝莓白吉饼,饮着 浓黑咖啡,读着新闻, 讣告,漫画,体育消息。 端杯踱步二十英尺, 我坐在桌前 为了这一天 终身致力的任务和心愿。

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