Anannya Dasgupta 阿娜尼亚-噶斯古普塔
Anannya Dasgupta is a poet and art photographer. Some of her poetry, flash fiction, reviews and art work can be found at Asia Writes, Vox Poetica, Pirene's Fountain, Haggard and Halloo, Lantern Review, OVS Review and Make Literary Magazine. She also holds a doctorate in English Renaissance Drama from Rutgers University where she currently teaches writing.
阿娜尼亚.噶斯古普塔是一位诗人兼摄影家。她的诗、极短篇小说、评论及摄影作品散见于Asia Writes, Vox Poetica, Pirene's Fountain, Haggard and Halloo, Lantern Review, OVS Review and Make Literary Magazine等杂志。噶斯古普塔拥有罗格斯大学英国文学博士学位,专攻英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧。她目前在罗格斯大学里教写作。
译者 Translator
Chia-ju Chang
Chia-ju Chang teaches at the department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Brooklyn College, CUNY. Courses she teaches include translation, literature and film. Her scholarly and research interests include literary and poetry translation, animal literary and cultural studies, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, ecocritical (or green) cultural and film studies, Buddhist environmental ethics and Zen aesthetics. She has published several scholarly articles in both Chinese and English in different academic journals as well as scholarly anthologies. Her poetry translation has been published in Poetry Sky, ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment).
Like snow under the microscope,
I said, hold the text to scrutiny and see
each flake break into shape. From a
distance, words on a page can be cold, snow like.