  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Jia Zhou


Jia Zhou was born in 1961in Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Province. His works have been published in Shi Kan, People’s Daily, Strait Poetry and many others. His publications include Selected Poems of Jia Zhou, The theme far away from equator, The Northern Birch, etc.


Hongxu Tsai

蔡红旭,笔名亦蝶,1966年12月出生于黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市,现任中国青岛大学外语教学部讲师。曾在《青岛早报》上发表过作品,在《南洋学刊》上发表数篇论文, 在《南洋学报》发表多篇诗歌、散文等文学作品,并任《南洋学报》特约通讯员。

Hongxu Tsai, penname Yidie, born in Qiqihar in 1966. Now works as an instructor in Tsingtao University. She has published poems and prose in The Qingdao Morning Post, The Southern Ocean Journal and many others.



柳树的发丝被春风梳理过后 运载阳光的木犁一排排掠过田野 青铜铜器一样的农事 就置放于风景的肩上 远处有几声响雷 风舞动那绿色的长袍马褂 父亲掺和着雨点从垄上走过 朝着谷仓里回荡的歌摇延伸 这不可放弃的农事 结束了一冬的漂泊 似从千里之外 只是为了这一瞬间 农事到了 必须备好收割的镰


The Willows’ hair is combed by the spring wind A field quickly scribed line by line in the sun Farming becoming a work of art, like old bronze ware Placed upon the shoulders of the landscape Distant thunder is heard The wind tosses verdure like a long green gown Father walks the ridges of moistened clods across the field Towards the resounding symphony of the granary A life that cannot be abandoned After a harsh and vagrant winter Now it seems to move toward me from miles away Just for this moment Farming has arrived The scythes must be readied


In the Paddies

南方的斜斜霏雨 叩醒了北方冬眠的水田 挥锹的父亲 正在 铺开一张白纸 像画家 涂了几笔之后 就有绿色稻苗在上面生长 蛙声在此刻格外响亮 构画生动的意象 一畦稻田就是一首古诗 一行稻秧就是一句单词 畦畦行行的队列 排列律诗里的平平仄仄 这插满生命的稻田哟 有父亲一双脚迈进 就会溅起十里蛙鸣 涌动潮声 播放北方的夏天


Slanting downpours in the south Awaken hibernating paddies in the north A father waving his spade Now rolls out a white page Like a painter, he applies the ink And green shoots sprout on the surface Frogs loudly announce the moment As nature recognizes the vital, ancient image The paddy is a stanza in an ancient poem A line of paddies, a sentence Line by line Attuned to a strict meter and rhyme This paddy full of life My father plods forward Kicking up frogs’ songs in waves Flooding the north with song of summer

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