  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Shenchon Lai

赖贤宗,台湾台北人, 1962 生。台湾大学哲学学士、硕士、博士,1994年 (台湾) 教育部公费奖学金赴德国攻读博士学位,1998年获德国慕尼克大学哲学博士学位。现任 (台湾) 台北大学中国文学系教授暨中文系系主任、中文研究所所长。现兼任台湾美学艺术学学会常务理事。2002年创办台北大学人文学院的“东西哲学与诠释学研究中心”。赖贤宗已经出版十余本学术专书,及《雪蕉集》、《悄然生姿》、《月蚀》等诗集。

Shenchon Lai was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1962. He held two Ph.D.s in philosophy from Taiwan University and LMU, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München). Currently he serves in multiple positions including the chair of both Chinese Department and graduate program at Taipei University, standing director for both Taiwan Aesthetics and Art Science Association and Modern Buddhist Association. He is also the founder of Research Center for East West Philosophy and Hermenutics at the School of Humanities of Taipei University. Lai has published numerous scholarly monographs as well as poetry anthologies including Snow Banana (1994), Quietly Begets Beauty, Lunar Eclipse, etc.


Chia-ju Chang


Chia-ju Chang teaches at the department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Brooklyn College, CUNY. Courses she teaches include translation, literature and film. Her scholarly and research interests include literary and poetry translation, animal literary and cultural studies, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, ecocritical (or green) cultural and film studies, Buddhist environmental ethics and Zen aesthetics. She has published several scholarly articles in both Chinese and English in different academic journals as well as scholarly anthologies. Her poetry translation has been published in Poetry Sky, ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment).


Quietly Growing Beauty

醉人的觉醒 不存在於空气中的芬芳 宇宙是一朵花 静夜绽放 无 无之花 无所属之合欢花 在寂光中开放 宇宙一花 随处悄然生姿 合欢花树倾泻 於空潭 (1995年1月1日 南德慕尼黑)


Intoxicated, awakening Fragrance out of the air The universe is a flower Blooming in the silent night Emptiness The flower of emptiness The flower of Joyous-Consummation Tree to which emptiness is attributed Blossoming in the quiescent light A flower of the universe Quietly begetting beauty everywhere it goes The Joyous-Consummation Tree downpours in torrents Into an empty lake (1/1/1995, Munich, Southern Germany)


The Eyes of Love

爱的眼睛 没有隐藏 一切是这麽明亮 照亮我 天长地久 沉吟的怀抱 爱的眼睛 没有忧伤 一切是那麽清丽 敲响妳 塔簷风铃 梦幻的声响 幽谷百合 张开双手之中的 爱 一千只手 一千只眼 观自在之音 拥抱无量 爱的眼睛 张开千年梦眼 融化潭底青花 千年封存的 冰裂枯痕 融化 永恒 天降甘露 让天地间 再也没有情伤 後记: 品铁观音茶,写赠世界上所有的如 千手千眼大悲观世音菩萨一般的大爱行者。


The eyes of love Without secrets Everything so luminous They illuminate me For ever Like being held in a deep, contemplative embrace. The eyes of love without grief Everything so elegant They awaken you From an illusory sound Like the wind chimes on the eaves of the pagoda. The lilies in the serene valley Unfold in their hands-- Love One thousand hands one thousand eyes The sound of Avalokitesvara Embraces the immeasurable the eyes of love Open up the aeonian eyes of dream To thaw the blue flowers at the lakebed sealed for thousands of years are the ice calves and dry marks. Melting perpetually May the heaven pour down nectar So that in this world There shall be no more wounds of love. Epilogue: After tasting Tie Guan Yin (Iron Avalokite?vara) tea, I wrote this poem to pay homage to all those who practice great compassion in the light of the one-thousand hands, one-thousand eyes Great Compassion Avalokitesvara.

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