  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Jianquan Tang

唐建全,1981年生,北京大学法律专业毕业, 现在东莞市工作。

Jianquan Tang was born in 1981. He graduated from the Law Department of Beijing University. He works in Dongguan, Guangdong Province.


Jianquan Tang


Legend of the Wolf

别管远古的传说和鹰飞晦涩的含义 死亡就像是一条蛇 会突然拦腰 抱住你 用暗红的舌头 告诉你 你渴望的与它 无异 当你漫步走进无人的黄昏 蓝光的星星,寂寞燃烧 似千万水晶的手鼓 敲打着你蓝色的眼睛和金色太阳穴 敲打你大天使银色的灵魂和白色双翼 而你在月光下的手将挥得 更美 你的身体是灰蓝色的湖水 任我们把苍白的脸浸入  其中: ——我们的沉默是黑色洞穴 偶然,从中走出一只疯狂而温情的野兽 在满月下的山颠 对月长嗥——


Let the ancient legends and obscure meaning of flying eagles be Death is like a snake, grabbing the waisting Suddenly there to hold you With dark red tongue saying that your desires are the same When you walk into the empty evening of silence There is a blue star, lonely burning Like thousands of crystal tambourines Knocking at your blue eyes and golden sun cave, On your silver soul and white angel wings And your hand in the moonlight hand will play more beautifully Your body is a grey blue lake Let us dip our pale face in: -- our silence is a black cave And occasionally, while walking a crazed, but warm beast will emerge Under a full moon peak, howling at the moon.

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