  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Madam Cherry


Madam Cherry, Master of Economics. She lives in Dalian, China.


Madam Cherry


A Dream of Autumn Leaf

日日夜夜,我都在心底默默的 祈祷,虔诚地乞求上苍: 如果真有来生, 不要让我成为大树的 附属, 任鲜活的生命在绝望中枯黄。 请让我变成小小的百合,在含苞的花季 成为大地妩媚的新娘, 在他温暖坚实的怀抱里,深情地 吐露芬芳,温柔地亲吻他额际的苍凉。 今夜,我终于听到了秋风的呼唤, 听到了它那如泣如诉的吟唱。 顿时,我的心潮被希望涨满— 因为,那是我飞回大地的翅膀。 让秋风轻轻地,把我带到一个幽静的地方, 我要在那儿欣喜地缝制,来世出嫁的霓裳。


Night and day, silently in my heart I pray, Asking God piously: if the next life is true, Don’t make me a big tree’s adjunct, Just let this lively life wither in despair. Please, make me a small lily, when young In bud, to be the earth’s charming bride, Breathing forth perfume lovingly in his warm and strong Arms, gently kissing his brow of desolation. Tonight, I hear the call of autumn wind at last, It chants as if weeping and complaining. At once, my heart is filled with a tide of hope — Because the winds are my wings back to earth. Let the wind gently take me to a serene site, I'll sew my bridal dress for the next life with delight.

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