  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Shuling Guo


Shuling Guo is currently the managing executive of the“New Humane Society” which she founded on 2006. In 2008, Guo held a lecturer position in Yune Zhi University where she taught the “Poetry Recital and Appreciation” course. She was the 2010 school appointed artist of Taipei University. From 2009 to 2011, she developed several courses with assistant professor Zhi Hua Fang at the Taipei Public Educational College educational Ph.D. program.


Steven Mai


Steven Mai is a part time translator currently working on various literary translation projects. Born in New York City, Steven Mai spent seven years of his youth in Guangzhou, China. He received his B.S. in Finance & International Business from New York University Stern School of Business with a Minor in East Asian Studies.


Through the Drifting Rain

天下起细细雨丝 穿过厚厚云层 说好不哭的 但天似乎承载不了雾霭沉沉 轻轻飘落 大地只好默默承受 即无渴求 也无悲欣


Strands of silken rain trail from the sky Through dense layers of cloud A promise not to cry But the sky cannot bear the thick cumulus Descending in a light drift The Earth can only endure in silence Without yearning or demand Sadness or delight


Serene Dream Mountain

灵山,总是在梦境 静静沐浴在光的照抚中 玫瑰的彩云飘带 一衣带水 依偎与牵繫 山与水的缱绻低语


Soul mountain, always in a dreamland Tranquilly basking in a luminous caress Rosy clouds stream like rainbow A brook, narrow like a sash Clinging and embracing The tender whispers of mountain and water


Reaching: Bright Moon at Sea

忽忆起海上明月 在惊涛骇浪,复归平静之后 夜已深沉 海底明珠悄无言 但月光知晓 海,是思念的 泪


As the tumultuous waves returns to placidity I suddenly recall the bright moon at sea The night descended into silence Luminous pearls on the ocean floor, silent But the moonlight knows: The sea is nostalgia’s Tears


Arriving: Starry Night, Silent Sky

星星终于开口言说了,闪闪烁烁! 大空介质似乎不想流动了,静夜星空! 下方,云梦大泽,烟雾迷濛 这裡存在着不可逾越的界线 进得来,但 出不去……


The stars finally spoke Twinkle, Twinkle! Cosmic medium seemingly at a standstill Silent night, starry sky! Beneath, the Yun-Meng lakes shrouded in mist Here exists an impassable border One may enter, but not exit...

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