  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson


秋梦,本名陈友权,又名陈学培,一九四三年出生。曾就读于越南万幸文科大学文学系及英语中心。企业家, 业余从事诗、诗论及翻译等写作。作品除了在本地的文艺版发表外,并发表于海外的《创世纪》等诗刊及大马、澳洲文艺园地。现居越南。

Qiu Meng, originally Tang Vinh Thanh. Born in 1943, attending school in Vietnam. He is an entrepreneur who spends his spare time on writing and translating. His works have appeared on a number of poetry journals in Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia and the United States. He lives in Vietnam.




Addicted Knight

在白天黑夜里出现 的几只幽灵 蹲在街的一角 牆的一隅 没有修行竟想成神仙 飘飘若仙子 谈笑比英雄 交炽着彼此的兴奋 或吸一口迷雾 或, 拿着宿命的针筒 俨像个白衣天使 交替着彼此的手臂 招来更多好勇好瘾的骑士 想到那幻境啊 那迷幻的仙境 开尽了最高最后的速度 飞上那摇摆不定的彩虹 不顾天空会有意外失事 折翼的神仙 会像花朵般散落 ——在公路上 叠成一斑斑玫瑰的 颜色


Spectres Arrive during the day and night They squat on the street corners Or in the nooks of walls They lack discipline, but wish to become immortals Airy and graceful as fairies Talking and laughing Measuring heroism Lighting each other up with enthusiasm Or absorbing a gulp of vapor Or holding a fatal syringe Like angels in white robes Exchanging arms Beckoning more brave and addicted knights Ah! They wish for that dreamland That illusive Elysium Pushing against the last and highest speed Riding that swaying rainbow Despite accidents in the clouds A broken-winged deity Might fall down and scatter like a flower —Along the road A heap of spotted rose Color

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