  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Ma Zhong


Zhong Ma was born in 1970s in Sichuan. His works has published in more than 100 journals and newspapers. He has published seven books of poetry and critics and has received many awards. He lives in Guangdong.


Ma Zhong


The Nest

曾经挂在屋檐下 鸟鸣是明媚的阳光 沿着快乐的方向 流泻下来 如今高过屋顶 越过了树梢 从城市剥离 再从乡村渐次剥离 中间隔着童话的距离 在通往春天的路上 一朵花可以拎走寒冷 谁能护着鸟巢 即将熄灭的火炉 引燃这片土地上 种子和果实因袭的热望


Once it hung under the eave, Songs flowing out, Like a touch of enchanting sunshine, Pouring down in a path named delight. Today it has crossed over the roof, Leaping tree tops beneath, Peeled from cities, And villages one by one, Leaving behind distances between fairy tales. On the road to spring, Coldness can be dispelled by a blossom, But who can protect the nest Like a stove about to expire Who will rekindle the longing to carry on Of the seeds of this land

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